
Leftover Rebels

"How did I even let her words get to me that way? I should have countered her and said she was the dumb one for not letting Zoey do her work... Or even more, I should have jabbed that teeth of hers, I'm sure she would have been utterly speechless. Well, I have no other choice now, I have decided to go.

And I hope those fuckers don't think I'm leaving because of them," Denzel consoled himself on the flight to Hilldale. It was about the third day now, ever since the war begun, and he was yet to set his eyes on a normal working road for those days.

'I didn't even let them know over there before I left. I hope they still think I'm sleeping, because I have a strong feeling that Zero would have something against me for leaving Without saying a thing,'

On his journey back, he had different thoughts running through his mond, without even trying to think about what to do when he gets there.