
Li Zian sat in the cultivation room, absorbing the rich spiritual energy.

He wandered how long it would have taken him to reach his current strength without the aid of the spiritual array.

He sighed and opened his eyes, stood up and stretched his arms and legs. His body always ached quite a bit after sitting still for so long.

He thought he would get back problems, but it turns out cultivators don't get many back problems.

He walked up the stone steps into the villa that was quiet except for the few maids walking around, cleaning and attending to their duties.

Li Zian ignored them and made his way out of the villa to the koi fishpond where he observed the fish for a while.

When he spread his divine sense over the fishpond, he could sense their cultivation. Each of these fish were at the Foundation Establishment realm!

He nearly choked when he first found out. Just one of these fish could beat him up, and there were fifteen of them in this pond.

He sighed- this place might be a bit too safe. Guards who fuse their bodies with the shadows, glowing koi fish at the Foundation Establishment Realm, his parents who were ridiculously strong, his aunt who was even stronger, and his grandfather who was a complete enigma.

He wondered how old he would be when he finally caught up with his grandfather. Would he be an eight-hundred-year-old man too? Would he have grey hair and be all… ugly?

He put those thoughts aside and went to sit on a nearby rock to enjoy the evening breeze when he noticed the clouds in the sky suddenly being blown apart, one after another, in the far distance.

He observed with curiosity at first, and then realised just what was happening.

It hit him- a bone shattering shockwave that hurled him off his feet and sent him rolling across the garden, through the grass and dirt.

The water in the pond twisted violently, and several of the koi fish were knocked out. They attempted to flop their way back in.

The maids in the house cried out in shock, and suddenly the Li family guards leapt out from hiding, donning their black robes with golden ouroboros sewn into the back.

"What's going on?" One yelled, confused.

"It's coming from the Li family compound!" Another responded.

Suddenly they all transformed into twisting shadows and soared towards the eastern wall of the villa grounds that was in the direction of the shockwave.

Li Zian was also curious of what exactly was happening, so he ran over to one of the walls and concentrate.

Qi poured out of his divine sea and dantian, trickling into his muscles in his legs and feet. He felt immense strength and crouched low.

He then leapt with all his power, shooting up ten meters at once. But that wasn't enough. He reached out, slamming his hand into the stone wall and pulling himself up even further.

He repeated this motion a few times until he climbed to the top of the wall, panting slightly.

He wiped the sweat from his face and then cast his gaze upon the lands beyond the walls.

He had to admit, it was beautiful. The land was filled with luscious green fields, beautiful plants, ponds filled with exotic creatures, deep and dense forests, twisting rivers, small streams, towering mountains and hidden valleys.

He could spot several beasts roaming the land, from giant ant-like creatures to massive creatures that resembled animals from earth with distinct features, like a boar with spikes down its spine, or giant eagles with red feathers.

The variety of beasts and wildlife was insurmountable. He appreciated the beauty for a while before turning his gaze towards the wall the guards stood atop.

He inched closer to where the guards were and looked beyond them.

In the far distance he could see a rising fireball, red winds and dots in the sky- cultivators, standing in the air.

Below them, from where the fireball rose, was a massive medieval city with what looked like ancient Chinese architecture. 'This must be the Li family compound! It's a lot further away than I originally imagined.'

He watched the city for a moment before he realised just what truly was going on- the Li family compound was under attack!

These cultivators in the sky were casting strange spells and techniques that rained down upon the Li family compound, bombarding it constantly.

Suddenly several figures rose from the Li family compound- he narrowed his eyes and spotted one of them.

It was an old man in a silver robe.


He was finally going to see his mysterious Grandfather in action. Li Zian watched but made sure to be cautious- if the battle moved anywhere closer to them, he might be killed immediately.

The Li family guards also watched, making sure nobody got close to the villa.

His grandfather hovered in the sky and suddenly unsheathed his blade. Li Zian couldn't hear what he was saying, but he could guess what he was talking about.

He was speaking the name of a technique.

Suddenly thousands of swords manifested in the sky all around his grandfather, made from water qi.

These swords were all varying sizes- the smallest being the size of a normal sword, the largest being as big as the villa itself.

These thousands of swords all soared towards the cultivators in the sky, tearing them apart one by one.

It was a terrifying sight, as the swords transformed to create the shape of a giant vortex that shredded everyone to pieces. Blood rained down upon the Li family compound, painting everything red.

"This is grandfather's true strength…"

Li Zian was in absolute shock, but then his ears began to ring as thunder roared across the land.

A figure standing above his grandfather pointed a hand at the sky, and dark clouds began to gather. More thunder rumbled, and all the water swords gathered into one place, firing at the man summoning the dark clouds.

The man snarled, and streaks of mighty yellow lightning burst out from the dark clouds, descending upon the thousands of water swords.

The two forces met, and a great explosion resulted, sending shockwaves tearing across the land that struck against Li Zian, forcing him to take a step back.

The shockwaves faded, and his grandfather had blocked the attack.

But then he noticed somebody coming towards the house. His heart skipped a beat, but not out fear- out of worry.

Blood dripped from giant wounds lacerated across this person's body, and the Li family guards' eyes widened in shock.
