Rampage of the Red Wolf (2)

Li Zian heard the haunting howl all the way from the clearing the town sat in by the edge of the forest.

He sent out his divine sense through the forest in the direction of the howl.

At first, he didn't sense anything- only the trees and the wildlife.

The small critters that roamed the forest floor quickly hid under ground, away from whatever it is that had just awakened.

The birds were flying away rapidly, terrified of whatever it was that had just made that noise.

Li Zian gulped. 'Did I cause that?'

He turned around, moving fast. 'I don't know the strength of this spirit beast. I had better leave fast before it causes trouble with me.'

However he then caught it in his senses- a massive wolf-like creature, racing across the land, fifty metres away from him.

And it was getting closer.

It crossed ten metres in a fraction of a second. Then another ten, and another…

He could see trees collapsing in the distance and watched through the treeline in horror as a titan of a beast tore through the forest and emerged into the flat lands.

It roared, causing the spiritual energy in the air to shake and sent shivers across Li Zian's body.

The ground rumbled with every step the beast took.

Its fur was thick and crimson in colour, with black patches visible in some areas of its body.

It was beyond large, standing over ten meters tall and running faster than all of the normal spirit beast wolves combined.

It bared its ugly yellow fangs dripping and with crimson blood- evidence of its last meal.

Its claws gleamed, ready to cut him apart.

Its eyes were yellow, its pupils thin like daggers, and it had a single black horn protruding from its head pointed backwards.

Its movement ripped up the ground below it, sending chunks of mud and debris into the air.

It opened its jaw, ready to swallow Li Zian whole.

He barely had any time to react, and quickly drew his sword, send out a wave of water qi from his blade that struck the inside of its mouth, causing it to pull its head back.

Li Zian's heart beat fast, and he quickly backed away, creating some distance between him and the beast.

He could feel its violent aura- it was at the Foundation Establishment Realm.

'I have no chance against this behemoth…' He felt panic inside, and his palms became sweaty.

'I can't escape this situation. I have to deal with it… somehow…'

No matter how hard he thought, there was simply no way to defeat it- there was too big of a difference.

Unless somebody came and saved him, he was doomed.

The wolf didn't move for a second, watching him carefully. It was observing him for weaknesses!

Li Zian could swear the giant wolf smiled, as it sprung forwards and swung its paw, its claws ready to dice him to pieces.

He lifted his sword and swung it at its paw, striking its claws.

A terrible screeching noise came from the contact of blade and claw, and he swatted like a fly through the air.

The beast's claws broke through his blade, shattering the tip and creating several chips along its edges.

He was tossed dozens of metres away, tumbling and rolling across the grass.

Eventually he came to a stop and attempted to rise to his feet, coughing violently and readying himself for another attack.

Cuts and bruises littered his body, and he was panting horribly.

Not fast enough. The beast smashed its paw against him again, its claws ripping up his body and creating a deep diagonal gash from his waist to his chest.

Li Zian shot through the air and hit the ground again, feeling an intense pain all throughout his body.

However the pain became dulled as adrenaline coursed through his veins.

He leapt to his feet again, watching as the beast charged once more.

The town was behind him- he would feel like a hero protecting the villagers, however he didn't care about their lives at the moment. He only needed to kill this beast, through any means possible.

The beast swung its paw at him once more, as if toying with him. Li Zian stepped back, narrowly avoiding the swipe, and then purposely fell backwards, narrowly avoiding a swipe from its other paw.

He performed a backflip, using the qi in his body to shoot his body off the ground, and landed on the stone brick wall of the town.

The guards began to yell at him.

"Get away from here! Don't drag your fight to our people!"

Li Zian ignored them and leapt into the town.

The spirit beast tore through the giant walls, debris rolling off its body. Stone bricks smashed through the houses, and clouds of smoke billowed through the streets.

The people screamed and fled into their homes, hiding in alleys and fleeing away from the giant battle between man and beast.

Li Zian waved his hand downwards, and suddenly ten water qi swords fell upon the back of the wolf, ripping open several minor injuries.

"Tch… Nothing."

The giant wolf didn't even react, and simply sneered. It charged once more, opening its jaw.

Li Zian attempted to back up, but quickly found himself encased in the darkness of its maw as he was swallowed whole.

The spirit wolf attempted to gulp him down, and he felt its saliva wash against his body.

The acids contained inside of it tore away parts of his robes and burnt his skin slightly.

"This isn't enough to kill me yet!" Growled Li Zian from within its mouth.

Water qi constantly manifested in the air around him, and he hacked away at the front of its mouth, tearing away at its skin bit by bit.

Blood and bodily fluids rushed everywhere as the wolf opened its jaw finally, feeling an intense pain.

Some of its front teeth were torn out from the violent attacks, and Li Zian leapt out from its mouth coated in its blood.

He spun around as he leapt through the air and sent three water qi swords hurling towards its face, striking its eyes and nose, temporarily blinding it.

The wolf howled with intense anger, and Li Zian dashed through the town's streets, listening to the rampage of the wolf chasing behind him.

Buildings were torn down; people were crushed under debris and the cobbled rode was destroyed. The entire town was being destroyed by this battle.

He arrived at the wall on the opposite side of the town and leapt over it.

Li Zian felt a violent shockwave as the wolf broke through the stone wall, continuing to chase after him.

It struck him, but he was prepared- Li Zian used the force of its paw to spring forwards and created four water qi swords at once.

Instead of firing them at the wolf, he instead unified them all into one giant water qi sword under his feet which he stepped on, using the pressure to not fall through it.

The water qi sword burst forwards through the air, transporting him a hundred metres in a split second.

A giant mountain entered his sights, stretching high into the sky.

He grinned, blood dripping down his body from his giant wounds.

The wolf continued its pursuit, rampaging across the flat lands, chasing after him towards the mountain.