Here is Mr Steve the Director of THOMAS EDWARD,a shipping company.

Steve appreciate all his staff for their hardwork and diligence and he also urge them to be more efficient.


STEVE:(He address his staff at the reception).Hello everyone,today is such a beautiful day because I could see smiles on your faces.

LINDA: Yes sir it is.(she replies Steve as she smiles).

STEVE: I am happy to see you all in here and with the fact that we made a great achievement recently.

DESMOND:(Whispers to Lenny).It seems the boss is so happy this morning,I think he got some new deals from his clients.

LENNY:(Replies Desmond back with a low voice). Yeah! I think that's it,he is happy we delivered our target and here we got a new deal.

STEVE:(He is still addressing all his staff).I will also like to urge everyone to work hard,so as to improve the standard of this company.(He now talks with smiles on his face),And I promise to give out something spectacular to the most efficient person.

JADE:(She shout out happily).The boss will definitely increase our pay,I know everyone wants that(she laughs).

STEVE: Yeah that's what Jade wants, she talks about paycheck ever since I knew her(he laughed once again).Well I appreciate you all for your diligence. Please Bryan come and round up the discussion ( Steve said to Bryan,he then walked to his office as his staff clapped aloud).

BRYAN:(He comes forward to other staff).Thanks to you everyone, personally I your efforts. I have a good news to share.

JADE: Tell us.

BRYAN: We just got a new contract,it worth millons of dollars,and I think that calls for a celebration.(he whispers to Linda) I purposely brought up a party just because of you.

LINDA: Are you for real? How could that be.Well we all are going to rock the party right?

LENNY: Yeah!! we got this (He shouted). Desmond are you in?(He asked).

DESMOND: Yeah! sure am in, I love this.So where and when are we gonna hangout?

BRYAN:(Tells everyone). Location is Bristley Café.We got to met by 8:00pm.Everyone let's get back to work.

However, everyone went back to the offices and work commenced. Two hours later,Steve sent for Bryan and then he told him he would be attending a meeting.Steve tells Bryan "I can't come back to the office today, because the meeting will consume most of my time".Steve went for his meeting and Bryan took over Supervision.Later Brian went to Linda's office, Bryan seems to like her behavior.


BRYAN:(Talking with Linda)Hey! beautiful,I can see you are quite busy with your work.

LINDA: Yes I am busy,any problem with that?

BRYAN: Not at all darling,I only came here to tell you that I will appreciate if you could come for that party tonight and also I got some things to tell you if you come.

LINDA: Sure! I will come,but I may likely come late because I will have a short rest if I get back home.


The discussion ended well.Few hours later they all close and went home to prepare for a blossom celebration.