What is life? 7:05AM.

The electric shock woke me up like usual as I found myself tied down to the same metallic table as usual. So I mentally prepared myself for another body-ripping day of pain.


Once I was awake for extraction from the tube, and I tried to move just a little bit, hoping that this time the guards did not do such a good job of strapping him down. Zero was hoping, beyond hope, that maybe today, rather than any other day, he would be able to try to escape.


It didn't work.... duh ... I was stupid...Zero thought and wined out loud to show unhappiness.


( Why did I think that I could escape today? Zero tried to find out his feelings, but the reality of the situation, did not hide the truth and later slapped him in the face, as one of the two guards forcibly made sure that Zero was never alone and slapped him to stop the unwanted noises.


He was one of a pair of heavily armoured masked men who always accompanied me during any kind of movement between locations,and he always bullied Zero to see what kind of response he could get out of the man.


The two gorillas broke my arm and knee faster than I thought that one could possibly blink. This was to make sure that i could not try to move or try to escape, and threw Zero back on the chopping table to be tied down before his limbs could heal back fast enough to try anything.


For some reason, I remember the "meatball" test. It was the worst possible pain that I had ever felt. The same burning filled my throat and Zero had a hard time keeping his stomach inside.


One thing I remember is that I was able to slap one of the guards in an attempt at an escape. Every since that time, they have added a huge amount of extra strength sleep medicine to keep me under, during tank time, in order to still asleep as they were removing me from the tank.


In addition, I was too scared to get something worse than "meatball" done to me.


Zero just had to shut up and wait for the pain to come.


And shut up again to not be abused even longer than normal.


So now I get woken up again to a shock from a taser to my heart, finding myself already tied down to the metal table.


But for some reason, today was not normal, as I had already passed through the door of the red room that had me as a geuineepig and my mind began to get excited. For some reason, I am not going to be cut into a million pieces today.


(Hey, I'm going past the only doors that I have ever been through. Am I going on a trip?) I'm exploring the base without being able to move my head as it is tied down, as my mind is full of strange ideas.


(Am I going to be cooked in a pot today?) For some reason that was the only thing that I was thinking about today.


My eyes flew side to side as my head finally got some new information to fixate on.


Some lights were flickering as we moved at a brisk pace through the many hallways of the facility. We turned right after passing several passages, then two left turns, passing many doors to all kinds of offices and labs, and stopped in front of a heavy equipment elevator.


The door of the super elevator opened and it was large enough to fit four super trucks at once.

(What? .... what is this?) I could not understand it.


(This place is already huge! And why are there even that many floors to it? Plus, what's with this crazy elevator?) My thoughts began to fuse, and melt into unrecognizable mush, as I saw numbers going from 1 to 15 going up and 6 basement floors.


( Just how big is this place?)


(Is it a building?)


(Is it an underground bunker?)


( Where is this place?)


Is this somewhere in the middle of a deep forest full of deadly creatures? My imagination was going crazy.


Zero started to daydream about this unusual place.


One minute, he saw an underwater city. In the next minute, he saw an abandoned hotel on a cliff in a strange desert with only sand around for miles.


(which country is this in?) ...


Wait!!!! What language am I even thinking in?


How do I know that this is? What if everything was moved to the ends of the North Pole or something?


Too many questions and not even one of them is answered.


Too much is unknown. This fact alone is something that doesn't allow you to be able to make any kind of escape plan.


Just think about it for a second. If the outside is the middle of the desert, running away without gallons of water would be useless. On the other hand, if it was in the North Pole, then a lot of layers of clothes and food would be more important. Zero was confused and lost and was unable to know its true location. In the end, he understood one thing for sure: even if you ran down the hall and then to the door, you would not make it far.


Zero realized that he was so lost in his own thoughts that he lost track of all the moving he had been doing. As he was rolled into another elevator and, by scanning the badge, it began going down on its own without anyone pushing any buttons as there were none.


The doors opened again and into an extremely high-sealed big room opened in front of me. Originally, at first glance, it looked empty, but not entirely, as he could feel something in the middle of it but was not sure what was in the middle of it.


This feeling got stronger as Zero realized the large number of mirrors inside this center space was a big mirror-glass cube. It was hard to see it due to all the mirrors that reflected the walls and made it look like nothing was actually there.


The only way that you can recognize that something is there is that people who are coming and going seem to disappear into nothing and others just appear.


Without even realizing it, my current speed of transport had stopped and I was rolled up to the mirror wall. And for the first time in my life i got to see myself in the reflection. Surprisingly, I looked quite good today: strong shoulders with a wide chest, a six pack hid my bellyboton with well built muscles.


I'm built like a crazy gum workout holic.


Finally, the answer to what I looked like was answered.


I had finally seen my reflection for the first time in my life. Realizing with a great shock that a handsome young man was staring right back at me in the reflection of the first mirror he had ever seen.


Starting carefully, Zero was trying to recognize the reflection as himself. The face of a boyish man about 19 years old with no facial hair was searing back at him with a perfectly ripped body.


His bright yellow eyes were eating up every inch of me.


( I look good!) Zero was happy to see that at least he was not ugly. For the first time in his life he smiled. His mind and body relaxed and calmed down.


Finally, zero knew what he looked like, answering one of a billion still unanswered questions. But this simple knowledge made Zero smile in true happiness.




Dr Deushena Frost was also happy today. Her thick fingers jiggled like jello. The entire frame of her was a fluffy marshmallow frame that was carried by two short-blob-type legs that jiggled more than jello. And her face was simply a mess of excitement today.


Her one eye was twice as big compared to the other one due to stress. As her nose was crooked to the left at a hard angle, with a huge heart-shaped moll on the right nostril puffed out deep breaths.


Ms Frost was like an ugly witch from the old fairy tales... or at least she looked like one.


She looks like this because she believed that eternal life was finally reaching perfection and used it on herself.


Dr. Frost believed that she was going to be the first woman in the world who could live forever!


Unfortunately for her, she lost her sexy body to the changes in her DNA self and gained 300 years of ugly destroying her sexy body in the prosess. And if that was not bad enough, instead of immortality, she was given a partially strong ability to heal.


"Why am I like this?" she would yell at the top of her lungs when things went wrong.

(ZERO must be hiding his secret from me!... ) she had to believe that thought no matter what. Her already ugly face twisted into something unrecognizable or being able to describe.


(His brain must have the answer) after a long deliberation with herself, Dr. Frost concluded, he became immortal and gained a perfect hot body on top of that!) she tried to figure it out in her head, as she began to jiggle up and down, trying to dance at a happy thought.


Running tests on herself was her mistake. She wanted to be the first immortal, and partially she succeeded by gaining some healing power.


However, she lost more than she gained.


Possibly losing her feminine charms for all eternity was hard to experience and even harder to accept.


Ms Frost was the head of all the research as her immensely brilliant mind that created the first immortal human could not understand how this mistake happened.


" I ripped and tore everything out of him to find out what was different before the procedure." She cried out with mad pain crawling down her face. Almost crying from being unable to find the answer. She was just going to kill someone at the end of the day if things didn't work out.


Realizing this drove her mad enough to try more dangerous tests on Zero, and with each test his experiments became worse and more inhumane each time and her anger was taken out on this helpless child.


(I checked everything except his mind!!! Yes, the secret must be hidden there.) Dr Frost was desperate to find answers.


" It's not fair!" she whispered under her breath, clinching her hands into fists, but no one heard.


"I will definitely make it work!" she added in the same breath, scratching her teeth against the metal table. Biting it like a bagel.


Everything was perfect and no one messed with the procedure that was done to Zero. She was quite sure about that, because she was there every single step of the way and sometimes by herself. She knew that the simplest of the immortality drugs was in her hands.


She had to be the one to pass that line... And so she did... Dr Frost injected it into her blood.


And for months there were no bad side effects..


But she still had to test if she was truly immortal.


So she shot herself in the foot to see the results.


To her delight and horror, her body healed fast but the newly healed part had relapsed itself with an ugly fat blobish foot.


As Ms Frost kept the sample inside a safe and was the only person who was able to open it. She ran back to test the sample to make sure that it was not tempered with and to compare it to her body changes.


Her soul broke into a million pisees as she compared the samples under the microscope.


Her DNA was changing and soon her entire body would be ugly and fat.


"I was hoping to blame the staff for messing with the tube before it was injected into me." Her palms began bending the table as her hands grabbed hard onto the sides.


Then many examples of the same potion were created to see if the sample could be changed to not mutate the host.


But none were better than the original. In fact, even worse side effects were observed in some test subjects that did not survive.


We were able to repeat the same test on many subjects, but we lost several thousand before we were able to get a second subject who survived the procedure.


subject Mary was the opposite of Zero in all of her testing.


as Zero was able to keep his humanity and even improve it. Mary isn't even human. Her skin is iron, her body is a cyborg and is as cold as ice, but her breath is as hot as magma due to the internal power plant! She can't regenerate herself or even think... or what everyone except Dr Frost knows.


Dr Frost installed a compliance chip inside the droid and the helpless robot girl had no choice but pretend to be a machine and not express her thoughts or feelings.


Mary was a machine in a human body... like a robot in a human shape.


A brain with all the fake memories and preprogrammed with an obedience chip was connected to her heart and lungs to keep her in obedience. Mary was a female subject whose parts were implanted into a machine that was made using the hardest material on earth.


Mary was a normal girl off the street, a runaway teen who got grabbed in order to fulfill the never-ending need for experimental subjects. And brought to be just another failed project.


For some reason, the rest of her body just melted when Mary was shot with the immortality drug. Leaving her brain, heart and lungs alive.


Somehow, the remaining parts continued to function on their own.


All her parts were placed inside the mechanical body and now she was the same girl with the same memories in a new body but under control and unable to do anything to disobey.


In order to make sure that she was not going to miss-behave. Mary's mind had an obedience program installed.


No one else can call her the best option for immortality. No human would pay millions to be changed into a metal toy just to live longer.


Her body had a different value now as a good soldier!


Just having an obedient-unkillable machine that is still human is a perfect opportunity to make billions of dollars from the military. Mary was a perfect cash-making machine. She was kept in the facility as an obedient, powerful worker.


Mary's metallic body gave her power to withstand almost all types of firearms.


" I was able to complete both options without a problem!" Dr White reassured herself, but her results were horrible due to the fact that she forgot to count the thousands of failures she did not count at all.


(I can't get hurt and even if I do I will heal.) Dr Frost concluded her findings.


" Then why can't I be beautiful?" she asked herself impatiently.