What is a Vacation? 7:43am.

The sun warmly kissed the two bodies that lay on the beach as waves lightly kissed their feet. The wind licked the skin as no one moved.


A hungry bird was happily exploring the dead body of a large creature that looked like a seal. It was excited trilling about as it didn't see any other birds who may kick him out of this feast. As the bird peacefully explored the body of Mary, it noticed a large worm hiding in the lower portion of the corpse. Excitedly, it attacked and pulled on the belly button by plucking at it thinking it was a meal. To the bird's delight, the skin-tight body didn't move, proving the fact to its small brain that he was smart enough to make a huge meal.


But no matter how the bird tried, the worm was too strong and did not budge. Being unable to get a bite, it moved on and tried to pluck at one of the tips of a pair of soft mountains.


He was lucky enough to try a hand as fast as Mary's hand moved as quickly as lightning and she caught it so hard that it twisted its own neck from the impact.


" We can have lunch now." a girl was laughing happily while shaking a rag doll of a large bird.


"But how do we cook it without fire and spices?" asked the boy who was just staring at her, as her stark naked body danced with the dead bird. The sun's glare seemed to blind his vue and it made her look shimmering as he ate up every inch of her nude body.


As far as Zero can remember, he woke up on the beach that morning finding her next to him as his hands were still wrapped tight holding her in a lock. The two of them made it to shore somehow.


Zoro's body ached and his muscles shook from shock.


He was happy to be alive after that explosion.


As he checked Marry for any signs of life, he was reassured to see that she was ripe as rain. Her dress was soaking wet and covered in dirt and sand, so it had to be cleaned and dried.


Without thinking too much, he removed it and after cleaning it in the waves, as she had nothing else, he put it up to dry on to a big rock.


As Mary was just as dirty, he cleaned her next. During this whole time she did not move or talk, which scared Zero at first, but then he realized that she was just sleeping.


Marry was too tired to care about what Zero was doing to her. She was just happy to be free and that happiness drove her into deep slumber.


After giving Mary a bath, Zero moved her to the sun so that her body could dry...


Then Zero began to think hard, suddenly realizing that he was full of sand and dirt himself. This irritated him enough to just crash back into the waves to wash every inch of his body out. But first he had to remove his body suit.


He tried to find bottoms, zippers, anything that could be used to remove this item.


Finding none, he just almost screamed in frustration. Why can't I take this off?


As soon as that thought crossed his mind, he understood that the suit could go into the inventory.


Finaly a bath.




"Colibration complete"

"Memory Check - Stable"

"Program Check - Full"

"Access and Authorization to full functions Check - None Detected - Needs New Owner"

"Searching for Owner - Owner Found"

"Submitting direct control"


"Welcome to L.I.F.E , this program will help and guide you", after an hour of sunbathing, a seariece of robotic voice notifications sounded inside Zero's head like a quiet tone of God.


"New information found - Updating... Please wait..." it added.


Zero heard a computerized voice inside his head for no reason.. He looked around thinking about what had just happened.


(why is there a computer in the middle of nowhere?) he could not understand as his mind was dazed and Zero began to think that he actually died and this was just a dream.


"Updating will take several days as the system adjusts itself to the new parameters."


Zoro's mind finally understood... remembering hearing the same voice while his mind was being melted.


"Does that mean that the system itself is inside my head?" Zero asked out loudly enough, hopping to get a response.


The computer program from the facility was now adjusting his brain and body and using him as a host, but it didn't answer his question.


(Maybe it needs to finish before I can use it) Zero mused, finally stepping back on the sand, turning to approach his escape partner.


He was trying to remember how they got here but his headache didn't help in this desire.


Finally, his female companion began to move and awoke, but this time she was not alone. She took the dead bird that was shaking in her hands.


As Zero had already started the fire, all she had to do was cook this thing, but not having any cooking utensils made her come up with a plan of how to fry this bird. As she literally just used her metal hands as a cooking pan to fry it.


"Hurry?" Mary shoved the unplucked and overcooked meal into Zero's face.


"Starving", zero giggled and began shearing the meegar meal by biting into the burnt feathered neck of the goose.




Time passed and the pair decided to take a nap under direct sun without a care in the world.


Since Zero had no clothes besides the suit, he did not get dressed and, like an uncertain child, just stared at the nude girl who was enjoying her freedom. She frolicked in the waves and covered herself in send just to go back in to wash it all off.


Mary was running, jumping, dancing and just moving in any way she cared to.


Then, finding some crabs, she was chasing the birds around to save the crabs from flying disasters.


Like a small child without a care in the world, she happily played in all her glory.


Mary was more than happy to try to catch the next meal than worry about such things as decency.


Nothing was hidden in her each and every movement as she enjoyed every feeling of freedom.


Then Mary went into the water like a little child who did not understand what it meant to not splash the people who were just resting on the sand.


Splashing in the water, a little kid, not even caring about the fact that she was getting Zero wet, her pleasure was ecstatic.


"Amazing!" she was smiling the whole time. And saying the same word over and over again for hours.


"Aaammaaaaaazing!". She roared like a lion and crashed into Zero at full fore as she ran into him.


That one word said it all.


" This is so amazing, come and join me!" Mary's body danced in the reflection of the calming rhythm of the waves.


"I am free!" her excitement echoed, bouncing off the hills.


"Come and join me..." this time, a little more shyly, Mary asked as her body blocked the setting sun with her hands or her hips by giving him the full view without hiding anything.


Her hands were on her hips as if to say, what's your problem? Just join me in having fun.


"Coming.... " Zero wined like a little baby and pouted a bit as he really was having fun just watching a goddess frolic in her birthday suit. In order to show Mary how much he was not happy about getting up, he threw sand at her as a way to pay her back for getting him wet.


"But can I cook this first?" Zero replied sadly, holding a fish in his hands.


"Why are you so sad?" she asked, bending her knees and opening her legs up, exposing her secret place wide open, without answering his question.


"I was hopping to die there..." he finally answered after a moment of silence. He ate up her body with his glare and not ever hiding his exploding member, who stood proud due to her posture.


"Why?" she was now worried and not him, not even noticing his hungry eyes that wanted to eat her up.


Mary shifted her left leg a little but didn't change her visual delight by much.


"We are finally free from them!" she begged, and just sat next to Zero, allowing the sun to climb inside her slit.


She faced the calming water with her hands now holding up her body at an odd angle.


"I don't feel like I should be alive".... he huffed... facing Mary with his boner standing like a flag pole did not help much.


"I can't explain..." Zero seemed to be lost as he itched his hair, lying on his shoulder beside still facing her.


"It's just that I feel like I am not supposed to exist"... his tone began to grow sadder now.


"Like I'm some sort of mistake"... his eyes were closed now, as the last rays of the sun blinded Zero.


"I'm not even sure if I'm even human"... Zero's head lifted up, soaking in the sun, as he was hoping to blind himself from the extreme arousing position Mary was in without trying to be sexy.


"Or so I feel like that" now he was whispering. and he fell flat on his back, his member just standing there like a guard on duty.


"I mean I don't even know who I am!" he signed by getting back up and hugging her legs, in hopes of hiding the raging boner that was exploding from the smell of Mary's slit.


"Instead of a name.... im a number"... Zero stared into her eyes.


"Then how about we can just choose a name for you?" Mary offered carefully, and bent down to face him, getting even closer to him.


"Is that even aloud?" Zero asked, smirking. unable to lose his shame.


"Why not?" she demanded... sitting right on his knees with her lower lips literally inches from the exploding member's face.


"In fact, I will change my name so you had better help me choose a new one too." Mary giggled, bending over and now her breasts were close enough to be touched by his nose.


"Do you have something in mind?" Zero had to keep his mind on the game because his lower half would definitely win if he could not focus.


They both bleared out at the same question to each other at the same time, and then they both just smiled.


"How about I call you Miki Madoka and I will be Ohta Ryo, she ended the argument, finally getting backing away from the extreme danger zone of almost losing her virginity. Mary got up and sat next to him to give each other some breathing space, realizing that she was way too close to a naked man.


"I don't like Miki and Ryo," he scuffed.


"All I know is that I am Zero. That's the only thing I know that I am." he was begging now.


"All I wanted at the time was to die like a human not a number", he whimpered, almost crying from the pain of his member was now evolving beyond normal, instead of actually helping to fix the situation.


"Fine, I like you, so call me Mary just because I think it means something to you. You can stay as Zero because that means a lot to me." she blurred out. hugging him, suddenly squeezing her breasts onto Zero's cheek.


"Y.. you like me?" he gasped, but instead of a reply she ran away.


This finally distressed the situation enough to bring Little Zero under control.




After eating the fish, they continued to enjoy the water and the sun not hiding any inch of each others body even though the dress was dry a long time ago.


Embarrassment was not something either one knew the meaning of or cared to learn.


Freedom was their ally.


After spending an entire week on the beach, they decided to go look for clothes as no normal human should talk to them if they arrived as is.


Fishing and hunting did not provide enough and, no matter how fun it was, just enjoying nature and each other without limits or care.


Hunger drove them to find civilization.


Mary took her dress and finally put it back on.


This action made Zero realize just how sexy she was.


The noon sun began to hide behind the clouds as they started walking west, following the coast.