Zero against 250! 12:05pm.

just before the firefight:


Zero was going to the lunch room after leaving Mary to take care of their new friend. He wanted to get enough to feed them both.


as far as he knew people are more easier to talk to someone as they eat good food. the potato salad looked a little sloppy so he had to not take that.


several screams filled the hallways. than a student ran into the lunch room shouting something about a crazy zombie with a sword coming hear. many students ran out for safety.


no matter what was happening food was more important then some crazy zombie and since i had to get good food he kept tryin to pick his choices extremely carefully.


now the line was gone and i had the full view of all the choices. as i was taking my time with it even the cook disappeared.


(more for us i guess...) as a man armed with several grenades ran into the lunchroom and slipped and fell on some spilt milk. a grenade that he held in his hand rolled out as he lost contact of it.


it exploded destroying several empty lunch tables. then several more man with guns filed inside and franticly searched around as they tried to find someone.


their eyes landed on my and the guns were raised.

without a word they fired.


i was hit in the gut several times before my metallic defense suite activated itself.


"ballet damage to body detected" the system woke up.


"activating war mode" the system chimed.

"Defense is up by 20" it said as now the bullets had no effect on me.


"speed is up by 13" it beeped.


i simply attacked them hoping to end this fast so that we can go eat lunch on the roof like any normal manga or anime shoved.


holding the lunch tray as a shield and a fork in the other i sprinted to grind down the deadly enemies as fast as possible..


(the last time i was in a fight the system moved my body for me)... this time it allowed me to move as i wanted.


"shoot him" a large man who had a huge machine gun in each hand.

bluets flew as i got in close. right hand to the rib, then spin and kick with the left leg to push the big guy back.


as i moved as i just planed. to my surprize my enemies just were too week. and i had to blinked twice before realising that only the duel hand boldy was left alive. they died faster than he could imagine.


i hit him hard enough to knock out but light enough to be able to ask questions later.


i began to return to load up for food again and heard as more man ran disturbing me again.


the worst thing he had to worry about as these people seem to really hate food because the mashed potatoes that were the best thing to get so far was blown to smithereens.


now zero was mad... several shots from the new group destroyed the pizza.


"NO!" he yield attacking them hard. after many lay dead or dying the rest ran for their lives after my ninja like moves cut most of them out in just a few moves.


realizing that i was too powerful a few of them ran by jumping out the windows and still shooting in my direction.


someone threw in another grenade to stop me, but had no luck as my suite helped me out by taking 98% of the damage by reflecting it back at the attacker.


unfortunately the entire lunch line received the most of the damage and only a tray of fries was left in tact. as more grenades did their best to attack the food.


then a bunch of hi-caliber bullets ripped thru the room hurting some students.


a tank shoot off the above rooms and dust filled the eyes. Now Zero got furious as even the fried got dust and sealing tiles crashing into them.


he shoved his sword into the back of a stunned enemy as it was too slow in eliminating the threats with his sword. hed to get this over with faster and changed his weapons into guns.


several bad guys lost their lives in seconds as i took them down.

head, knee, shoulder, thigh, gut, another head. he no longer amed to kill but to simply reduce the number of dangers was enough.


in the corner of my eye a saw a large group of armen thugs go up the stairs and they started shooting up the storm upstairs.


"No ! My new friend!" i screamed. and my mind went blank as the system took over.


more enemies just flooded into the school as a helicopter shot several rockets into clouded hallways. as they tried desperately to inflict damage on me as i ran like a freight rain. eliminating most of their own allies in the process.


i woke up berried in the rubble. shouts and screams were heard near me. i was sure that the battle was just beginning as helicopters joined on the rain of bullets and rockets and explosions. the system gave me a boost.

"strength is up by 31"


i removed my barrel and jumped up to catch a helicopter. jumping hard and flew up to meet the piolet eye to eye.


the shocked piolet stopped flying and crashed. i was not hurt even a little bit.


this suite is like Mary. i thought. as i made shore to land on top of a military truck. destroying it with all men inside.


"all stats are up by 5 for the next 5 minutes....." the computerized tone said.


"defeat all enemies to increase stats for next encounter" it added.


This proves my thought... (i can gain experience and keep going up in strength myself.) and in addition i can make this suit batter.


"now who will be my first test subject?" i yell at no one in pertici;ar.