The truth is hard to see. 7:17pm.

"well it looks like they don't want us to live" spoke the girly voice from a two story red robot.

"yes ---- they really don't want ours friendship to develop" answered Zero.

"why..." coldly added Mary.

"don't they realize that its impossible to hurt me. they must be dumb." she concluded just as usual with a hollow tone.

the three figures stood in the midst of the ruble like some kind heroes. as every eye was glaring. sweat was seen on some faces.

waiting in a quiet unreal silence for several minutes in a row.

the military waiting for orders....

the normal people waiting for something to happen....

even the weather waited as the wind itself stopped for some crazy reason.

all this waiting finally caused someone to lose it as someone fired the first round into the direction of the three. it missed by a mile... but it was only the beginning. as more shaky hands did the same. then the order was given. screams of panic erupted from the frozen crowds as they ran for their lives. as all hell went loose. guns and cannons, rockets and grenades the entire area just exploded with immense firepower. the ground erupted in explosions as the rocks turned into ash and mangled metal.

each company of armed man began advancing to capture the targets at any costs. Most were fighting each due to the fact that each country wanted to have the targets in question in their hands and did not want to share. they did nothing to each other until now as no one had got the order to do so. every inch of the beautifully cut green grass of the school grounds filed with corpuses as they fought to reach the goal. heavy equipment was sent in as backup as the casualty rate just began to skyrocket.


"humans are the strangest creatures in the entire universe." pronounced a disbudded figure of a gray smoke like shape that constantly changed its shape to a white mist like cloud that hovered in the middle of all the fighting. its metallic gleem was missed by all as the sphere that was only the size of a tennis ball.

"they are willing to destroy themselves without any reason or need." the cloud giggled.

"we don't need to send millions of our creations to eradicate them.. losing many in the proses. they will do it by themselves." it added.

"all i had to do was give one a drop of my dna and they go crazy trying to be incorporeal just like us. and all they got was someone who is good at healing and another one with indestructible skin." lathed the gray one.

"ha. ha. ha. ha..... just look at them how cruel they are to each other in hopes of gaining just a fraction of our power." giggled the white one.

then a third an all black one just appeared inside the sphere.

"we have told the leaders of each country that we will show them our secrets as long as they are the ones in charge of the planet and not be going into negotiations unit that fact is laid before us..." e began explaining.

"we don't want to waste time working with several competing factions. since we just need to strip the planet of its water as payment for our help i going into the universe. but we told them nothing of this fact." announced black.

"they're just apes that learned how to talk so why would we ever need to do anything for them...." giggled white.

"explain to me one more time as to why do we not simply take the waters. why do we need to do all this behind the scenes time consuming work? why don't we just do as we want?" the gray one demanded.

"why do we play this game?" he asked angrily.

"because my dear !<@&" replied black

"living for millions of years is boring and you have to find something to make your existence fun and exciting... "he sighed as he continued.

"its like were watching the best reality TV show in the universe right now." answered black with a happy tone.

".. i mean we have been drifting about the galaxy toying with many kinds of life forms. but none like these humans.... no, the rest were united as one driven to reach some great achievements and only time and our intervention in their growth was the only things that had been in their way." he rambled on.

"but not these creatures... "

"no ... they are so aggressive."black giggled.

"interesting so to say as they are too way agresive" he said worriedly.

"in fact so much so that they should have eliminated themselves sentries ago. and look at that... they have not done that..." he kept pushing the issue.

"they bring death to everything including the planet, their environment and themselves and et they keep advancing despite their simplistic desires." he started to shake in fear.

"i want to see why that is.... and it's so interesting.." he finished his speech (they can become our true enemy if we are not careful." he thought.

"i heard them say this strange word when they call us?.."asked white.

"bosses....."gray repled uncaringly.