what happened? 3:12pm.

Shira was standing in between the two of her only friends in the entire world. they have shown her more love and understanding in the last hour then all human beings have in there entire existence! she felt the bullets ricochet of her metallic mechanical exoscaleton as if it's her own skin. dirt and rocks flew through the air like the falling leaves in the fall.

(I don't like it.) she thought and then moved to block all incoming projectiles that were aming to hit them. her huge frame was like a shield. it excepted every possible speck of dust from reaching her friends.

she knew that they did not need it, but she was completed to do it. then several rocket's from the helicopters hit her hard in the chest and she stumbled back half a step. more from confusion than an actual impacts.

"why you pesky masketos!" she cried and tried to smack the metallic bugs in the sky. ( just disappear!) she thought really hard with a lot of frustration in her heart. the mech respond to her feelings and activated many weapons as she moved it's hand in a swatting motion.

the large red hand moved from top to bottom as if it was slapping something down. at the same time a large amount of targets lit up I

on the screen. and then many different kinds of weapons chose a target that was apparently appropriate for that target. imidiatly all targets light up green and the system eliminated them.

the unbelievable amount of distraction that followed that attack was impossible to understand. everything in the direction of fire was erased. the buildings, the parks, the streets everything! and the damage was horrifically effective as the remainder of enemy who were on the far sides of the attack became lucky enough to not be cougt up in that. just dropped all weapons as they escaped with their lives.

several sivilians were also accounted in the attack and we're actually saved in the process.

as shire stood there in a daze not even knowing what to say to her own power. she realized that many people were killed and some normal non military are probably hurt inside the ruble. so she thought of finding them and the meck responded to her desires again and activated a blue beam of light. it scanned the entire area and again targets light up on the screen. this time they were several different colors.

(what is this?) she thought. and the computer respond inside her head.

"color is based on degree of help the individual needs."

"black is for dead"

"purple is for will die in 5 minutes or less"

"red is critical but can wait for 1 hour"

"orange is for will need some critical care but not life threatening"

"yellow is for can move with help or light injury"

" pink is for minor bruises and scratches"

"white is for normal, non threat individual"

"the number is for identifying the enemy among the crowd"

"please help get the most hurt ones first" she begged. as the machine moved with haste to save as many as possible.


"the scenes that we are about to show you are not graphics or a tv studio production of a Godzilla movie. but are a real and show things that kids are not advised to see!" the big tv advertising board on a downtown sky scrapper was bearing. as confused individuals stopped to listen in amazement.

the tv showed a large part of the city was missing as if someone just demolished it. several blocks were simply erased. the city that was familiar to many people have been no longer the same.