hidden treasures. 9:54pm.

as the tree figures walked the dreary streets they were totally oblivious to someone followed them. as a s shadow the figure made sure that it was never found.


it moved without a sound.

its fast movement darted like lightning from shadow to cover.

it didn't leave any traces of the figure ever been there.


(where are they going?) she thought.

the most confusing part of this unusual group was where they were and what they were doing.


(this area is the turf of the blood snake.) what are they thinking going into the most dangerous area? and the way they moved without a care in the world. like they were some kind of vacation couple. just strolling around and recklessly barging into bars and book stores that were just fake drugstore.


they just opened any door and stroll in trying to find something to buy. but in reality nothing on the shelf was there as a real product. most were just talking up space as the real product that made money was deadly drugs and fake medical supplies.


any store owner ever showed any signs of discomfort and at time when the group desired a specific items to buy. they smiled and sold things at a crazy expensive price.


this did not bother them at all.


(where are they getting the money from?) was what was the most confusing part. somehow the boy just had stacks of cash. and paid in stacks without even counting.


the stack looks just like something that a gang would be using for storage and paying for something illegal.


(where are you going?) the shadow got closer to try to listen in on the conversation as the trio were sitting in a disgustingly dirty street sipping tea as if they were enjoying a world famous resort.


"so you're saying that the store is literally robing them?" was the first thing that she heard.as she got close enough to actually pick up the conversation, but still be hidden enough to be seen or heard.


"I think that it works like this Mary." he confirmed.


"basically as we walk around and the store automatically scan the area and literally absorbed items into it." understanding filled Mary.


"then how can you explain the items still left on the shelf?" she demanded an explanation.


"a copy is left." another girl suggested.


"right ... or a copy was made in the store." the boys tone was a little extra mean.


"see what I mean!" he just took out a huge teddy bear out of thin air. it was the same big toy that was in the last stop but they never paid for it. and she was 1000% shore that it was still there.


"so we're like Robin Hood? stealing from the bad and giving to the needy!" Mary screamed loud enough for everyone else to hear.


(this girl is crazy!) does she not realize that she is going to die now?


(how can someone be so stupid as to announce that they are here to rob the people who rob and kill others for any reason. especially if that reason is going up to their face and spitting on it.) she was shoked. never had she met anyone with the balls of steel like these three.


(every snake for miles around have heard that!) and they are coming to bite of the head of the one that was stupid enough to actually do that.


(yep ... I was right! ... here comes the welcoming committee!) she signed and desperately ran into cover away from the commotio.

(I don't want to be in any part of that.) her instincts were screaming to run. and so she did.




"so we're like Robin Hood? stealing from the bad and giving to the needy!" was heard by Brazer. on his right sat a two meter tall Yakuza who was going by the name of Smiles. and oh his left sat an elegant looking brat with his feet on the table.


"yo Brazer I just heard a bitch beginning to be spread out" the feet flew off the table and the thin figure of a gentleman in a black suit began gliding in the direction of the voice.


"wait up Cowboy!" giggled the shirtless man.


"Smiles can you please bring me my favorite shirt?" he asked.


the big man who loved to be hidden under the hood never replied as he ripped off the shirt of a dead man that was laying on the floor.


"I was on a roll there and then that guy just had to cheat." Cowboy was murmuring as he picked up speed. his legs were his livelihood. they killed for him and helped him escape when the enemy was too much to handle. as an ex kick boxer he knew what he was capable of and as a track running teacher he was number 7 in the world of speed.