prologue 00:00

all people have the same desire!


it pushed some into desperate situations.


it pulled others out into the depth of abyss.


it gave some glory!


and others true love.


the very soul in every man woman and child cries out in search of it.


what is it?


to be useful and happy wile making a huge impact on his or her environment in such a way that many people who see what they are doing and who they are will be in pure bliss and praise and eventually make a mark in history!.


or basically to be remembered as someone special!


for one reason or another people have been trying hard to get their name into the pages of history.


or at least get their fifteen minutes of Fame and Glory.


they push even if it hurts.


they don't stop to see how much they are effecting others in their pursuit of happiness.


some of us are too scared to try. and end up being tortured by others who have more drive or ambition.


a few get ground under as some crazy person literally stabs them in the chest as they claim their prize.


no one is immune to the deepest desire to live and be happy!


it's just hard to understand what needs to be done to get it!


stuck in this position of not knowing what needs to be done everyone no matter who they are are going to make mistakes.


some of the mistakes will be effective and bring the desired happiness.


while most of them are going to have negative results and the happiness one was looking for will not be there.


no nothing but pain will be there.