Chapter 25- Mission Complete

Congratulations! You have cleared the dungeon- Necromancer's Playground.

You have received 11,234 Experience.

Loot has been calculated and designed to your class, stats and personality.


28 Silver 36 Copper

x5 Advanced Healing Potion

x5 Advanced Stamina Potion

x5 Advanced Mana Potion

Large Vial of Liquid Miasma

Horn of a Commander Demon

-Ring of Reduced Summoning EPIC

A necessary ring for a powerful summoner. This ring was made from enchanted Orichalcum and sized to only fit the Unwanted known as Immortal.

Summoning cost is reduced by 10%

Requirements: Only the person known as Immortal can equip this item.

Self regenerating.

Durability: 34/34

Affinities: Iridescence, Euclidity

-Spellcasters Haven Bracelet RARE

Mana cost is reduced by 5% for all spells.

A ring formed from pure mana.

Durability: 72/72

Affinities: None

(See More)...

There were just some more uncommon weapons in the loot pile. He quickly put the epic in his storage pouch and looked at his group. He didn't want to tell them yet, it didn't feel right. He was definitely happy with the items he just couldn't bring them out.

"I got an epic!" Sharp exclaimed.

"Why does he get one," Spike complained.

Tower brought out a huge wooly jacket and threw it over his shoulders, "Nice," he said.

Mute had some earrings and leather armour in her hand while spike held a spike bracelet and guitar pick.

Sharp took his glasses off and switched them for a much more advanced looking pair. He looked around the group with them on, he gasped when his eyes landed on Sol.

"What is it?" Tower asked.

"Oh, nothing. These are amazing, and only I can wear them," Sharp said, ignoring the information his new glasses gave him about Sol.

The rest of the Unwanted around looked at their loot but it was basically nothing, a few coins and uncommons. They didn't kill the boss so their loot was reduced.

"Ah shit," Tower said, "Elora missed out on the loot. She would have gotten an Epic for her contribution."

Spike shrugged, "It's not like she needed it and she could get higher levels to boost her experience."

Tower pouted, "I suppose you're right."

The loot at the end of the dungeon was like christmas. A dungeon like this could only be cleared once, others were repeatable but didn't give quite the same amount of loot.

Mercy came back up to them, "You guys take a jeep back to the city. An Overseer is coming soon. This void crystal is apparently far too dangerous for just an Elder rank."

"Really?" Tower asked, "It goes that far?"

Mercy shrugged, "I only know what I told you. I'm sure the Dark Mage's College will want it back soon so we will try to use our time wisely with it."

Tower nodded.

Mercy stood at attention and the group stiffened up in an instant.

"Foddr Group 1141. You have gone beyond our expectations and have proven yourself to be the strongest Fodder group. You have received an extended rest time before your next mission and a hefty bonus will be added to your pay."

"Yes, Sir!" The group shouted except from Mute.

"At ease."

Mercy relaxed his stature and so did the group. The Elder rank was not a fan of formality so he liked to get it over with quickly.

Spike struck a match and lit a cigarette in his mouth. He put both his arms above his head and stretched.

An Unwanted chucked Tower the keys to the Jeep and they headed out of the dungeon. The group was exhausted and wanted to go home.

At the back of the group, Sharp motioned for Sol to drop back with him. The Immortal was worried about what he was going to say.

"Your race. It's called Hearthren, a humanoid from a different dimension." Sharp whispered as he tapped his new glasses.

Sol leaned in close, "Don't tell the group yet. I still need to figure everything out. I was taken to another dimension by the void crystal and that's where it changed me."

Sharp looked shocked, "Are you still immortal? And what dimension? You've grown two inches an-"

Sol calmed him down, "Yes, I'm still immortal and it's called… It's called the Euclid Dimension."

Sharp readjusted his glasses, "I-I've never heard of it."

"Same, but please keep this quiet. I'm just as confused as you." Sol pleaded.

Sharp nodded aggressively, "I will do as you say as long as you will tell them eventually."

"I will." Sol promised, "And thank you- for keeping it to yourself in the dungeon."

"You're a friend Sol, you'd do the same for me." Sharp said.

"What's with your new glasses then?" Sol asked with a raised voice.

"I can see people's races, basic magical affinities and an array of useful features." Sharp replied.

The group joined in on the conversation while they cheerfully headed to the jeep. They climbed and started driving back to New London. They went from a dirt road to paved ones and then onto a motorway with walls 20 metres high to reduce monster attacks. It was early in the morning and the sun was peeking over the horizon.

After a few hours of driving and Tower telling Spike off for smoking in the jeep, they saw the sea in the distance and the city skyline shortly after. They arrived at the entrance to the city. It was guarded with thousands of soldiers and walls 50 metres high. Monster hordes attacked the city a few times a year so the high presence was always needed.

Tower stopped at the checkpoint and the group flashed their adventure badges that were disguised with their Unwanted ones. The guardsmen smiled and they drove into the city.

New London was a strange place, hundreds of cultures had settled here and every building looked different. Old Victorian houses, modern houses, dirt houses, wooden taverns. Every type of building existed here, it wasn't the biggest city in the world for nothing. Roughly 45 million people called this place home.

They pulled behind the old electronic store front they had grown accustomed to and drove into the garage. The door closed behind them and with a flash of purple light they were in the hanger of the Unwanted base.

Tower parked up the jeep and they got out.

"Well guys," Tower said, "That was one heck of a mission. Anyone fancy a drink?"

"I'll come," Sharp responded.

Spike agreed too.

"Immortal?" Tower asked.

"I'm good. Thanks for the offer though, I need to go sort some things out." Sol replied with a glance to Sharp. He wasn't going to straight away test out his new skills but he needed to do some other stuff.

Mute did her little foot tap on the ground to tell the group she was leaving. No one really knew where she went, the group knew she liked to be by herself. The group was the same with Sol, he hadn't told them about his sisters yet. In truth, he was still scared to tell his friends who he really was and about his past.

Sharp lived in an apartment in New London, next to the Great Library. Spike didn't exactly live anywhere, he played in a fairly famous band whenever he was off-job. Tower lived on a farm way out in the boonies, he hated the bustling of the city.

"Thanks Mute for your work. Make sure to rest from the mana poisoning," Tower said.

Mute was strange in how she communicated with the team, the group almost knew what she was saying with her body stance. She seemed to say thank you and she walked down to the teleporter room.

"I need to go sell all the junk we got," Sol said.

"Alright, great job. It always helps when someone's immortal."

Sol tightened into attention and performed a salute. Tower smiled and waved him off.