Chapter 28- A Gift For Someone

Bulwark Necklace of Healing and Light Protection RARE


A necklace crafted by a Master Jeweller who bears the mark of Eir, Goddess of Health. It has been infused with her essence. It is made from an alloy of Infused Orichalcum and Mythril

When the wearer's health goes below 25%, they are instantly healed to 75% health. It is also capable of regenerating limbs, organs and curing all diseases up to rank IV. When the wearer's health drops below 25%, a blinding light will be expelled in the area and also give the wearer a buff of 20% increased speed, +5 Dexterity for 2 minutes.

Soul Bound is still available but not necessary to activate bulwarks skills.

Self Regenerating

Durability: 42/42

Bulwark Charges: 3

Affinities: Healing, Light, EIR, Protection, Sanctuary

"Is this what I think it is?" Sol asked.

She nodded, "He sold them at half their standard value, the man insisted that they were failures."

"I wonder what a successful one looks like," Sol mused.

The jeweller was in the master tier which was one above expert, having a skill at the master tier was seen as one in a hundred thousands; and the man bore the mark of Eir. She was the goddess that healers prayed to yet she marked a jeweller of all people.

"Do you mind?" Sol asked.

"By all means," she said.

Sol gently held up the necklace, it looks like one that queens wore with different parts branching off to meet in the center. The glowing green and yellow gem had a slight red hue to it; causing it to reflect off of the metal that held it.

"How much?" Sol asked, it was perfect for Summer.

"2 gold and 43 silver."

Sol pouted, it was an awful lot of money. He laid the necklace down and felt his pouch for the gold. He had 6 gold on him, 10 at home and probably 2 in his Unwanted bank.

"I'll take it," Sol said.

"Really? You will?" She asked.

"Why are you surprised? Aren't you supposed to be selling me this?" Sol questioned.

"I'm sorry Sir, we haven't sold anything in the past two days." she said while bowing a couple of times.

"Well hurry up and sell it to me."

She hurried into the back and brought out a pristine wooden box. Inside was a soft material which she carefully placed the necklace inside and secured it.

Sol placed the coin on the table and headed out the store, he left a few silvers for her as a tip and left the shop. He tipped his head towards the giant kobold at the front and made his way over to a teleporter. He pressed his badge against a sigil and runes began to shift around.

Within a flash, Sol was in the main reception of the Unwanted base. There were two security guards blocking his way.

"Mask off," The guard said.

Sol took it off and they confirmed his identity. He walked over to another teleporter and flashed into the posher north district of New London called Titan's Court. It was mid day when Sol arrived back home and the sun was beating down, the last bit of summer was being squeezed out.

He lived of course with his two younger sisters in a large, detached, Victorian townhouse. It was what Sol had saved up for first; it was within walking distance of Summer's scholarship and a 10 minute train away from the Great Library where June was doing her apprenticeship.

It was a big house with 5 bedrooms, a private gym and pool. It was fitted with the latest technology that Summer had begged him for.

He swiped a keycard on the front door and let himself in. As he walked in he heard a bunch of girls giggling. June didn't have many friends so it was bound to be Summers. Sol could already smell wine.

People matured much faster in Gaia, the adudance of mana accelerated the process. Summer and June were fully developed women at 14. She was now 16.

"Hey, Sol," Summer said. She was acting surprisingly nice since her friends were here. Summer had grown into a woman, she was beautiful and striking like their mother.

"Hey, how'd the auditions go?" he asked as he wiped his feet and walked in.

"I got the main part." she said while turning around. Her face dropped when she saw Sol walk in looking homeless.

"Sorry, I would have dressed better if I knew you had guests. And congrats."

"How was the job?" she asked, trying to make light of the situation.

Sol had told them he was an adventurer and he often did jobs for high ranking nobles.

"Good, good. We encountered a horde of goblins and they tore my clothes up," he lied.

"You never told me your brother was an adventurer," one of her friends said.

"He mainly guards nobles," Summer boasted.

"I'll have a shower then we can open your presents," Sol said.

"Thought you had forgotten," Summer said.

Sol smiled, "Never. Where's June? She's not at the library is she?"

"She's locked herself in the study since morning."

Sol said polite goodbyes to her friends and went to take a shower. Even after being burnt to dust and chopped into bits thousands of times, his body was still stained with blood and dirt.

After the shower, he got out and looked at his face clearly in the mirror. His face was definitely elongated slightly, his cheekbones were higher and his jaw was sharper. His eyes seemed to be the most noticeable new feature. They shimmered every so often and contained iridescent colours.

He put on a nice casual suit that Summer had bought for him and went looking for June. The light in the study wasn't on but he could hear a video playing.

"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"

Sol opened the door silently to see a large blanket over a chair and desk. He could hear her chewing on popcorn. He gently lifted up the blanket to see June, lying on her front while reading a book. To her side was a tablet with a movie playing.

"Romeo, Romeo," Sol teased.

The bowl of popcorn went flying into the air.

"Sol!" June whined, "I was getting to the good bit."

"Pause it, have you said happy birthday to your sister yet?" Sol asked.

"Yeahhh of coursseeeee I have," June rolled her eyes, "By the time I woke up all her friends were around. They all just stare at me like I'm a monster."

Sol pouted, "You're not a monster, c'mon- your sister won't tell you but she wants you there when she opens her presents."

June crawled from her den and stood up. She was still in her pajamas and her hair was messy. It was always messy but it was extra today, her long curly had turned into an afro.

She followed behind her brother as they went down stairs into the lounge.

"So tell me about the part," Sol said.

Summer put the wine down in her hand, "Well, I received the main part from the audition and the first show is tonight. I already knew the show off by heart and they signed me straight up."

"Tonight?" Sol questioned weakly.

"I need to get a suit," Sol said, "What sort of suit?"

"I'm sure June can help you with that." Summer said.

Her friends snickered.

"Anyway," Sol said, "Who's gift shall we start with."

Her three friends began to argue who went first. They settled down eventually and they all gave her mediocre gifts. Expensive wine, earrings or rings, none of them were even at common rank. Sol could tell that she didn't actually care for the presents.

They all turned to Sol next. He slowly brought out the necklace box and watched Summer die internally. She always hated the jewellery Sol bought her. He gently opened it and watched her put on a fake smile. But the fake smile turned into a real shocked one.

"Oh. My. Odin," her friend said.

She gently picked it up and identified it, she allowed the others to as well.

"This is too much, Sol." She said.

"It's your 16th birthday, I can't protect you all the time."

"Are you sure?" She mouthed.

Sol nodded

Her friends helped her place it around her neck and she fell in love with it. Sol had finally managed to find a present that she likes. Sol was quiet after they ogled over it. In truth, he was just happy he could protect her without being by her side.

June then brought out her present- Sol had given her money for it but June never liked expensive presents. She brought out a picture frame from behind her and handed it over to Summer.

Sol caught a glance of it; it was a picture of their family. It was taken a few months before they died.

"Where did you get that?" Sol asked, it was hidden in a box in his room.

June ignored him as Summer looked at it then back to her. A small tear dropped down her face. Her friends went quiet as she wiped them.

"Thank you," Summer said, "This is the first time I'm seeing this photo."

Sol weakly smiled.

"Sol had it hidden in his room," June said.

Summer wiped her tears and went over to hug June. They hated each other most of the time but they were sisters. Polar opposites but linked through blood.

"Summer, we're going to be late to the appointment."

"Oh sorry," Summer said now back in her composed state, "I hope you two come tonight."

"We'll be there," Sol said.

Her and her friends gathered their stuff and left the house.

Sol heard her shout from outside, "I forgot something, I'll be back in a sec."

Summer ran back in and hugged Sol and June. She kissed them both on the cheek.

"I love both of you," she said.

"We love you too," Sol said. "Go and enjoy your birthday Summer. Your sister needs to take me shopping."

"Go to Earl's lane, they have the latest fashion," Summer added.

They both waved to Summer as she bolted out the front door.

"Where's Earl's Court?" Sol asked.

"Google it, honestly Sol it's like you live in the past." June said while rolling her eyes.