Chapter 31- A Night With A Noble Part 2 EXPLICIT

They stopped by a nearby alley and Elora pushed him up against the wall. She grabbed him and kissed him again, before putting her hand down his trousers and lightly jerking him off.

"By Odin, I want to fuck you," she said in his ear.

"Well, lead the way," Sol said, pinching her ass.

Elora grabbed his hand and they ran to the nearby apartment building. There was a security guard outside who let them in without saying a word.

She put her ass against his dick in the elevator and grinded against him. He was getting harder and harder with every passing moment.

They eventually found their way to her apartment and she opened it with her own magic.

Her room was modern by design; open and spacious with a view of New London. She led Sol over to her queen sized bed and sat him down on it. She put a finger to her lips and took her jacket off. Her boobs were in clear view now.

She turned around and slowly took off her tight leather trousers. Her ass was perfect; not too big, just the right size. She took her top off to expose her boobs in a black laced bra like the underwear she had on.

Elora pushed Sol down onto the bed and sat on his dick. She began to dry hump him slowly while making eye contact. She placed a hand on his chest and leant in to kiss him.

Sol kissed her back while holding her face. She bent down and licked his ear before kissing his neck and making her way down to his chest.

"Can I?" she asked.

Sol nodded and she began to slowly unbutton his top. She felt the marks engrained by his curse. She made her way to the bottom, where she opened his shirt up and started kissing from his pecks to the bottom of his abs.

Elora made her way down the bed and started kissing his bulge through his trousers. She undid his belt buckle with her mouth and then the zip. She pulled his trousers off and ran a hand up through the bottom of his underwear.

"Your dick is huge," she remarked.

"That's just because your hands are on it," Sol said with a cheeky smile.

Before taking his underwear off, she put some music on and let it lightly play in the background.

She opened Sol's legs and moved down to his balls, where she started to lick and suck on them.

Sol had his hands on his head as he watched her. She wasn't breaking eye contact the entire time. She moved up to his shaft and began to kiss it gently. She let her own saliva out from her mouth drip down his dick.

She moved her head a good ten inches up and put her mouth over the top. Sol moaned as she moved her tongue around it. She paused from doing that and made his whole dick wet with her mouth before going back to the top.

Elora started to stroke his balls as she moved her throat all the way down his dick. It felt warm and slippery as it moved up and down her throat; she didn't gag at all.

She pulled up and gasped for air. "You didn't cum?" she questioned.

Sol smirked as he brought her on top of him and rolled her onto her back. He took off the rest of his shirt as he kissed her neck. She lifted up her back to let Sol take her bra off. He remembered from the last time and unhooked it. Her boobs bounced but stayed how they were in her bra.

Sol started to bite and kiss her neck as he rubbed her niples. She moaned and twitched with every single movement.

"I'm really… sensitive," she said with blushed cheeks.

"I'll be more gentle," Sol said as he slowly made his way down her chest and past her boobs. It was hard to ignore them, but he wanted her to feel the ultimate pleasure.

He went down to her ankles and started to slowly make his way up to her pussy. Every kiss caused her body to convulse with pleasure and she moaned loudly.

Sol stopped at her pussy and opened her legs. They were already soaking wet. He started to kiss around it to tease her, until she couldn't take it and grabbed his hair.

"Please," she moaned.

Sol lifted up her underwear and pulled it to the side to expose her clit. He lightly pressed his tongue against it, and her muscles seized up completely.

"Just take them off," she screamed.

Sol pulled away while taking her underwear off. She snapped her legs shut as she pulled him up to her breasts. He started to lick them while his hands moved down to her pussy. Two of his fingers seperated from her clit and gently rubbed the opening of her vagina.

She moaned loudly and her legs started to shake. Sol moved back down and opened her legs wide. She grabbed his curly hair as he started to kiss around her pussy.

His fingers went inside and gently focused her g-spot. Her muscles were shaking and seizing from the pleasure.

Sol gently moved her lips with his tongue to expose her clit, all while two of his fingers were inside of her.

She screamed from the pleasure and Sol began to rotate his tongue lightly on her clit. Her muscles began to spasm even more as Sol continued. Not even a few minutes later she screamed and shut her legs from the orgasm she experienced. She rolled onto her side, and she was breathing heavily with sweat pouring down her face.

"That was amazing," she said.

She pulled Sol back up to her and rolled him onto his back, but he didn't want another blowjob. He chucked her off and put her into a doggy position.

He put the tip of his dick in and she screamed in pleasure. Her face fell onto the sheets and she curved her back downwards; her hands were gripped onto the white sheets. Sol pushed his dick in half way.

"Please tell me that's all," she said with staggered breath.

"Half-way," Sol replied.

"Oh, fuck."

He inched his dick the rest of the way and then began to move his hips backwards and forwards. She was screaming from the pain and pleasure. She started to move her hips with his to try and counter him.

Sol grabbed her hips and started to thrust faster and harder. Her ass was slapping against his pelvis, as his dick penetrated deeper inside of her.

Sol was sweating as he continued this position for ten minutes.

"I think I'm going-" she breathed in, "- to cum again."

"I'm close," Sol said.

She screamed again as she orgasmed, but Sol was close to cumming too.

She pulled away and turned to deepthroat his dick. Her throat pulsed with cum as she grabbed his ass and pulled him in closer. She held that position until all the cum had gone down her throat. She swallowed it and then continued to suck his half erect dick until it was clean.

Sol fell down onto the bed and she crawled up to him. She rested her leg on his half-erect dick and rubbed against it.

"I can't believe you made me cum twice," she said.

Her boobs were pressed against Sol's chest and he gently cupped them.

"Did you want round 2?" Sol asked.

"I want to make you cum next," she said.

Sol pulled her on top of him and kissed her gently. She smelled amazing and her nipples rubbed against his pecks.

"Hold on," she said.

She ran through her apartment and came back with a bottle of champagne along with two stamina potions. Sol watched as her breasts and ass jiggled. She handed a stamina potion to Sol, and then she brought out two glasses from her bedside cabinet. She filled two large glasses and handed one to Sol.

She took a sip of champagne and then downed the orange stamina potion. She shook her body as the effects took place. Sol did too. She instructed Sol to sit on the edge of the bed and open his legs. Sol did as he was told while taking the stamina potion. He started to slowly sip the champagne.

"You don't have to," Sol insisted.

She put a finger up while she sorted out her ponytail.

"I like the feel of your dick in my mouth," she said while rubbing her hands on his knees.

Her hands made their way to his limp dick. She could still fit both her hands on it. She began to jerk his dick while twisting her hands. Soon his dick was hard and the size of her wrist. She placed a hand on his chest and pushed his whole dick down her throat.

Sol moaned as she moved up and down with her hand twist at the bottom. He had never felt anything so pleasurable before.

Not even five minutes later Sol came. He hunched over as his cum oozed from her mouth and over his legs. She pulled away and began to lick his body clean.

She jumped on top of him and pushed his dick in her own pussy. She moaned loudly as she moved her hips backwards and forwards. Sol grabbed her ass and moved them with her. He could feel her ass grinding against his balls and legs.

"Oh my, keep going," she squealed.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her body twitched. Sol grabbed her legs and stood up with her. He started to slam his dick into her pussy, as she pressed her head into his chest and let Sol take over.

"Keep going!" she screamed.

Sol went faster and faster, his dick going in and out with ease; it was so wet. He threw her hands over his neck as she tried to keep herself up. Sol pushed her up further while thrusting deeper and faster.

Her grip around his neck got looser. Her pussy suddenly exploded over his dick and she squirted onto the floor. Sol let her down on the ground but her legs were wobbling and she struggled to stand. He picked her back up again and laid her down on the bed.

"You ok?" Sol asked with a smirk.

"I'm fine," she said with ragged breath. "I just can't feel my legs."

Sol laid down next to her and met her eyes. They both laughed together.

He stayed there completely naked as she crawled over and laid on his chest. They both stayed silent as they recovered from the sex. She then started to stroke the marks on his chest.

"What's it like being immortal?" she asked.

Sol didn't respond, he just stared up at the ceiling.

"Did I offend you?" she questioned.

Sol paused before answering. "I became immortal because I needed to join the Unwanted, for mine and my family's sake."

This was the most information he had given her the entire night.

"Where do you go? When you die."

"Not even my teammates know that," Sol said.

"But I'm not your teammate, you can trust me."

Sol chuckled. "If only I had a copper coin for every time someone told me that."

"Dying sometimes scares me. I felt my life flash before my eyes twice in the dungeon," she said.

Sol hesitated for a moment before responding.

"I go to the afterlife, I see Yggdrasil," he said. He had never told anyone except Mercy that before.

"What's it like?" she asked while stroking his tallies.

"It's beautiful. People often see death as the always approaching doom, but if anything it's just a new path you take."

"Say's the Immortal," she said.

"I suppose you're right," Sol admitted.

"Can I see that tattoo on your back?" she asked.

Sol moved over on his side and felt her hands studying it. She was careful and moved her hands gently across it.

"Those who do not fear death shall not experience it to the fullest," she read the writing on the sword that was through the giant skull.

Sol rolled back over. "I hope you can keep secrets."

"I know things that would destroy countries," she said calmly.

"Of course. So what was life like growing up in the Evergrand family?" he asked.

"Tough. I trained 7 days a week until I hit level 35. Then my father saw me as his daughter."

"And now you're doing missions for the family?"

"Yeah," she said. "They're fun but I rarely get a chance to relax. When I can, I always go out. Oh and I have an interview for State Media tomorrow- about the mission."

"They allowed the video to be released?" Sol asked.

She rubbed her face into his chest. "Not yet. It's going to be released in the early hours of the day on my social media."

"Have you seen the video?" Sol asked.

She yawned. "Not yet but hopefully they didn't blur everything out."

"I can't believe this," Sol said. "There was word going around at base that they wanted to announce the organisation's status. People still think we are a myth," Sol said.

"I think it's for the better," she replied.

She poked his ribs and looked up at him. "We might even get some more missions together."

Sol chuckled.

Elora rolled over and brought a pen out from the bedside table.

"What are you doing?" Sol asked.

"Well I know you won't ask for my number, so I'll write it on your arm."

Sol let her continue.

She snuggled into him after and they both fell asleep naked on the bed.