Chapter 38- The Prince's Motives

The journey took 8 hours, it was exhausting to always remain focused but they were trained to. When the city came into view, it was on top of a flat clearing between two small mountains. The houses looked fairly wealthy which didn't surprise the group, Prince Ashbalm would not want to stay in a rundown area.

They drove up a winding slope to reach it and the guards asked no questions when entering. Spike drove near the castle keep but turned off down a street lined with fancy buildings. He stopped by one with 10 soldiers waiting out front.

"Would you and your team like to stay here for the night. I would like to apologise for the issue I have caused." Prince Ashbalm said.

Sol gave him a weary eye.

"No tricks," Prince Ashbalm, "My father- the King, instructed me to ask for you. I am not my father yet so I would like you and your group to join me for dinner tonight. You will each be given a room and I hope I can make amends."

"I'll check with the team first, I don't have a king for a father but I understand that you want to follow his orders." Sol said.

The prince nodded in understanding.

Sol opened the door and he and Mute stood guard as the prince exited with his bodyguards in tow. The soldiers bowed as the prince walked into the lavish building.

The group came out, Tower more grudgingly.

"He wants us to stay for the night," Sol said.

Tower went to mouth off but Sol stopped him, "He wasn't in charge of the mission. It was his father- the king."

Tower scrunched his face up as he moved his shoulder around, "A nice bath would do me well. Are we all good for staying? I would like to speak to him about the ulterior motives."

"As long as there's some maids that will pay me a visit tonight I'm all good."

Mute seemed to be in and so did Sharp.

Servants and maids came out of the mansion, the group followed them into a gold lined entrance hall. The carpets were royalty red and painting, souvenirs and expensive weapons were placed on podiums in the reception.

"To live like a king," Sharp remarked.

Spike chuckled, "I'm glad we decided to stay," he said as he caught a few maids' eyes.

They all still had their masks on and the majority of the staff seemed very scared still.

"Keep your masks on, we don't know these people," Tower ordered.

"Yes, Sir."

"We need a private room for a few minutes," Tower asked one of them.

The group followed a handful of servants as they were taken to a small meeting room. They left and Tower threw a hologram on the table where Mercy was standing projected in front of them.


"Mission successful, he arrived with no scratches. Prince Ashbalm said his father wanted to test us, along with pestering Sol questions about his immortality."

"I guessed so, and you encountered the Chaos Masters, it's all over the news," Mercy stated.

"Yeah, we lost almost all the soldiers. I'm heavily injured but the team is ok." Tower responded.

"Immortal, what was he asking of you?" Mercy questioned.

"How I was immortal, I explained it was no skill or class or my unusual affinity, Sir."

"The king wants it for himself I'm guessing, but that's impossible," Mercy said, "The man himself also wants us to set up a base in his country."

"Really?" Tower asked.

"Hence the test you described, we were in talks but we think the man wants to ultimately control a portion of it which will not be allowed."

"The Unwanted do not operate under any king's law," Sharp said.

"Correct, Sharp. The man is a bit of a tyrant but ultimately strong, treats his slaves like dogs so his country can prosper." Mercy replied.

"He's asked us to stay tonight, would you like us to dig a bit further?" Tower asked.

"Go at your own pace, and I forgot to remind you that all the king's sons were castrated and had their emotions taken away." Mercy said.

"That makes sense," Sharp said, "As awful as it is, it helps them achieve more by not letting emotions control them. That's why he was so calm in the truck."

Spike cringed, "Imagine being a prince and not having orgys every night."

Mercy ignored him. "Immortal, if he asks you about your power again, try to divert. If he asks for your semen or blood, agree to it."

"I don't understand, Sir."

"If anything you should try and help them. We want to appear willing even if it is impossible to replicate. The king of Auraria is a very powerful man on the southern continent and we do not want to anger him. He will also be a powerful ally for Kraos and the organisation."

"I can't imagine Prince Moisturiser jerking Sol off," Spike joked.

"It may come to that," Mercy said with the tiniest hint of mockery.

"So stay and gather info but don't push too much. And Sol's gonna have to be jerked off by the prince?" Tower questioned.

"Correct, there's a big meeting tomorrow so I want you back by six." Mercy ordered.

"We will be there, Sir." Tower said.

"Good work. The Ill Favoured Five have not disappointed."

The group dispersed after the meeting and found their allocated rooms. Every room came with a view of Longwater and the forest below. The bed sheets were made from silk and the interior of their rooms was coloured white and gold.

Sol took a quick shower and he sat down on the comfy bed. His phone buzzed and Tower had messaged him.


Meet me on the roof.'

Sol threw on some dark clothes and headed out with his mask on. He found the exit to the roof guarded but they allowed him to walk past.

Tower was bent over the ledge looking out.

"Hey, Sol, how you doing?" Tower asked.

"Good, how's the arm?"

"The explosion got me good but I didn't want to talk about that. In the van I heard you talking about a class."

"You want to know?" Sol asked. He was hesitant to but he couldn't hide it forever.

"Yes, also I saw you use a skill on the fight before. I couldn't tell much but it was a movement type."

"I suppose it's time to tell you, also about my sisters." Sol said, it was about time Tower knew. Just in case something ever happened to Sol. He told Tower about his new class and his sisters.

"Shit," Tower said, "And you have two sisters that you look after? You're a good man, Sol."

"Thanks, Sharp found out a few days ago." Sol said, "Keep that part to yourself though. I trust Spike and Mute but the less people know the better."

Tower nodded, "That's fine and if you need help with the class just let me know."

"Sharp's already helping me but I appreciate the offer."

"He'd be much better than me anyway." Tower stated. "Should I tell the rest of the team?"

Sol nodded, "I don't know much about it yet so I can't really go into detail."

The sun was setting over a nearby mountain and a cold breeze was setting into the city of Longwater.

"This place is quite nice," Sol said.

"You'd need hefty pockets, the way the mountains are laid out makes this place impenetrable by monsters. I haven't seen a single beggar the entire time," Tower said.

"C'mon, let's go see if the prince wants to jerk me off," Sol joked.

The two headed downstairs to see the rest of the Ill Favoured Five waiting in the reception hall. They looked far out of place with their dark clothes and misted face.

The prince came down from an elevator wearing more relaxed clothing. His bodyguards were still armed but had dressed down too, they had an armored dress on exposing their cleavage. Both of them had let their hair down and the only way to tell the difference was by a headband that Aya the healer wore.

They looked far sexier than before and Spike's eyes had already started to wonder. The group bowed to the prince and he returned it.

"I appreciate you staying and I would also like to apologise again. My father requested you specifically to test you and for me to ask the Immortal about his unique ability. This is no secret and I hope I am able to make up for any inconveniences."

"Thank you, Prince Ashbalm. We gladly accept it and to improve our relationship with you and your country," Tower said.

"Would we like any women tonight?" The prince asked.

"I'll have three," Spike said straight away, so confident.

The prince nodded.

Sol looked over at the two bodyguards who were eyeing him up.

"I'm fine," Sol said.

"I'll have one," Tower said, "A tall one," he added.

The group looked at Tower with a smirk, the man rarely seemed to care about women. It was always about the job.

"For Sharp and Mute?"

"I'm fine, thank you." Sharp said as he received a questioning glance from Sol. He wouldn't have requested one anyway however, Sharp was not the type to sleep around.

Mute's body language said no and Tower told the prince.

"I do not know the customs well in New London but I have arranged a buffet in a closed off room overlooking Longwater. I mean no offence when I say you are not the type to enjoy table manners, correct?"

"No offence taken your majesty," Tower said, "About our faces?"

"Oh yes, the women and servants coming are soul cursed so they are bound regardless but we will take an oath."

"Thank you," Tower said bowing.

"Shall we?" The prince said.

The group followed Prince Ashbalm along with some servants into a modern looking dining area that had a great view of the city. There was a large table on a balcony with 8 seats around.

The group sat around as servants walked in with whole trays of food and drink. The group hadn't even heard of most of the types of food.

The prince and his two bodyguards swore an oath to not spread their faces. It was always strange how people shifted upon seeing them.

"Immortal, you are not how I imagined," the prince said.

"Many people say that, Your Majesty."

"Please, call me Ashbalm. Friends are not formed with formality. I imagined you would look rough and with less striking features."

Sol chuckled, "I get that often."

Tower slapped Sol's back, "Yep, he's a looker. Spike's the one you want to watch out for. He'll fuck anything with a pulse."

"Three to be exact," the prince said with a small smirk.

It was strange to see the prince relaxed, he had kept his emotions in check the entire time but still his face rarely showed them now.

"You offered," Spike said.

"Indeed I did, do you have any preferences, other than a pulse?"

Spike cracked his neck as he lit up a cigarette, "A blonde, brunette and a wolf-kin not fussed on colour."

"Very specific," Sol remarked.

Spike raised his eyebrows as he took a swig, "He offered," he protested again.

"And Tower you requested a tall woman?"

Tower seemed to be embarrassed now, "Big legs," he said quietly.

The prince snapped his fingers and a servant came up to take the order.

"Well please feast my friends, the night is still young."

The group started to drink and talk, soon the women came in. Tower treated him like a long-term girlfriend while Spike was making out with them between cigarettes.

After an hour of talking, the prince went to the toilet. Aya and Ara had been fairly quiet during the small party but seemed to spark up.

"Thank you everyone," Aya the healer said in broken English, "The prince struggles to form relationships because of his haltered emotions."

"It's no problem," Sol said, "I guessed it wasn't his doing."

Ara nodded, "Indeed, we were not as confident and the prince demanded more protection but the king wouldn't allow it. And thank you… For saving my life."

"Better me than you," Sol said, "Here have a drink, I'm sure Ashbalm wouldn't mind."

The prince came back to see a drink in either of his bodyguards' hands. He looked concerned but dropped his face, he didn't need to be on edge constantly.

"Please, carry on," he said.

The two nodded their thanks to their dear prince and carried on drinking.

The night went as good as it could go, the prince seemed to open up completely when he had a few drinks inside him. The castration part came up a few times and the man talked about it without hesitation. He told them that it helped with doing his duties and the rest of his brothers and sisters were.

The Ill Favoured Five were fairly good at keeping secrets while drunk, they managed to divert the conversation to the prince always. He was always happy to talk about himself and sometimes the bodyguards jutted in with interesting stories.

Sol found himself visibly uncomfortable as the two bodyguards were eyeing him up. It wasn't so bad at the start but once they had a few drinks their cheeks were turning red and their eyes were predatory.

Mute seemed to sit there patiently, it wasn't really her scene. She ate a lot though and was drinking like the rest but didn't show it. Her hair was always pulled over her eyes and covered most of her emotions.

Sharp seemed to get more intelligent as he got intoxicated and divulged with the prince about mathematical problems. The prince himself was taught with the best education so he could keep up.

Tower joined in on the conversation occasionally and Spike didn't speak a word. The man hadn't spoken for hours now, the women themselves rubbing him all over.