Chapter 53- Power

Sol couldn't tell just how long he was running for, his muscles were all cramped up but he still ran at full pace, using his teleport skill whenever the cooldown came off. He had to get to his sister as quickly as possible.

He ran past the horde of monsters trudging through the streets, he didn't help the fellow adventurers dying. He jumped from a house up onto the wall and then onto a mansion below. The monsters had made their way past and into the richer side of New London.

He just kept running and teleporting. He turned down his street to see it littered with monsters. He ran past them all, straight to his house. People were being dragged out of their homes by their hair, raped and murdered as the monsters pleased.

He teleported and weaved around them and made his way to the house. The protection charm in the front was broken and the door busted open. Goblins and orcs were entering.

Sol stabbed one in the neck and kicked it to the side as it entered his house. He charged past and killed another two. Iridescent rage was flowing off of him, he was mad and scared.

He killed another two in the lounge and saw the door to the basement was wide open. He moved on top of one and fell down the stairs with it. He crushed its neck with his bare hands and looked at the bunker door- it was open; bent and curved.

"Nooo!" Sol screamed as he murdered every single monster in front of his eyes in a frenzied state. He stabbed an orc through the heart and yanked it back to see inside. His sisters were huddled in the corner together. Summer had her buff on and June was casting a rune.

Sol paused for a moment, he had made it just in time.

She stopped when she saw him.

"Unwanted?" Summer said through ragged breath.

"Stay in here!" Sol said in a faked deep voice.

Thankfully, blood was covering his whole body and his face was misted. He completely forgot about it but at the time he didn't have time to change.

Sol slammed the door and punched it back into place. He put his back against it and slid down on the door. His breath was ragged and his head was still spinning. Getting up, he climbed up the stairs and dealt with the rest of the monsters. He slammed the front door shut and fell down to his knees dripping with sweat.

He gripped the carpeted floors with his bloody hands. It was too close, far too close. He punched the ground hard as he started to cry. He made a vow to himself that he would never put his sister in danger, nor would they come to any in their life.

"Immortal! Where are you!" Tower said through his ear piece.

He hadn't even realised it was in, he had just seen red for the past few minutes.

Sol stepped outside of the house and punched the door back into place.

"My sisters," Sol said. "I went to protect them. The monsters got into the bunker."

"Sisters or not! You did not comply with the orders!"

Sol clenched his jaw. "You watch your fucking mouth Tower. My sisters come first."

"Fine, consider it a violation."

Sol threw the earpiece out and stomped on it. "Fucker."

Tower was always a stickler for rules but Sol couldn't give a shit about a violation. He knew his curse was something the organisation couldn't let go. He calmed down as he guarded the front of the house for a while.

Giant footsteps sounded around as Oglak returned with monsters on his shoulder. He stepped on the monsters in the street and batted away those on top of dead people eating them. Sol headed outside and composed himself- he was still the Immortal. He looked around at the dead neighbours' bodies. Some of them he recognised but he didn't care about them.

"Masta," Oglak said as he dropped an array of monsters on the ground. "I couldn't find the other boss but I found the strongest I could."

"What would you recommend?" Sol asked the giant demon. He was surprised the giant demon managed all of that by himself.

Oglak knelt down and sifted through the bodies like jewellery.

"This is a unique winged rabbit, level 43. Its fur is like that of the wolf and it has outstanding vision."

Unique Spell- Euclid Banishment Novice I (A) has been activated.

Would you like to banish UNIQUE Level 43 Winged Rabbit, Unlimited Stamina, Cyclops Sense to the Euclid Dimension?



900 Stamina

1100 Mana

Attempts: 3

Once the entity is in the Euclid Dimension, it will undergo the transformation into a native. You will receive a notification when it has been completed and then you will have a chance to claim it as one of your summons.

You will be able to teleport to the creature at any time.

Once in the Euclid Dimension, you have a certain time period to kill the entity. Fail and you will lose the chance forever and be ejected from the Euclid Dimension.

You are able to control 3 more entities with your current mana pool.

It was stunning, it was roughly the same size as Sol with a puncture wound into its heart. Its fur was soft and dark like the night sky. It looked fairly cute for a monster.

"The next best one?" Sol asked.

"A level 52 shadow wolf, not unique but compared to its other kind it boasts the strongest strength."

It looked to be a third of the size of the city boss, half the size of Oglak. It did look just like the boss, only smaller. It was covered in its own black blood yet the fur was pitch black.

Sol glanced at the other monsters in front of him- a collection of orcs, trolls and goblins- neither monsters he would want as his summons. Oglak was his muscle and he wanted more unique monsters, not just fodder.

The rabbit seemed like an obvious choice, it could act as a much better recon than Sharp's bird and its Cyclops Sense title meant its perception was double that of a normal winged rabbit.

He selected yes and he felt power build up in his hand. He held it over the rabbit and iridescent colours poured from his hand. He had to press the button on his palm once to gain the extra mana and stamina.

A void gate like Oglak stepped out from appeared and the monster was dragged into the hole but the portal collapsed in on itself halfway and disappeared.

Euclid Banishment Novice I (A) has failed.

To improve your chances of banishing entities successfully, please increase the level of the skill.

You have 2 more chances to banish the entity.

"Fuck," Sol spat.

Sol repeated the same process and this time the rabbit made its way into the portal successfully.

Unique Skill- Euclid Banishment Novice I (A) has succeeded.

Transformation time is not clarified. Please increase your skill level to see.

Upon a notification, you will be able to tame the entity by transportation to the Euclid Dimension.

Euclid Banishment Novice I (A)

Chance of successful banishment:

10 levels over: ?%

20 levels over: ?%

30 levels over: ?%

40 levels over: ?%

50 levels over: ?%

To see these please increase the skill level.

Sol rubbed his chin in amusement, he thought the skill would be worthless to level up. The banishment would be more successful if it was closer to his own level.

"Such brilliance from the great masta," Oglak said.

"Oglak. You are my first summon and no doubt my strongest. You have proved yourself to me today," Sol said, it felt natural to him to speak with a controlling voice.

"Thank you, Masta."

Sol beant down to the wolf, it was the biggest monster out of the lot.

"This will do good as a fighting tool and to transport you long distances," Oglak explained.

"Good choice Oglak. I think I will go for this one."

He had space for one more monster in his summoner menu but decided to save it.

He hovered over the wolf and the same prompt came up.

Unique Spell- Euclid Banishment Novice I (A) has been activated.

Would you like to banish Level 52 Shadow Wolf, Unbridled Strength to the Euclid Dimension?



1300 Stamina

1400 Mana

He performed the banishment skill again and the wolf went in with no problems. The message came up again and the time was underdetermined.

Now Oglak was kneeling with his head bowed to Sol. In truth, he didn't know how to remove him or send him back. He quickly ran through the menu once again but couldn't find anything.

"You are dismissed, Oglak."

Would you like to send Summon known as Oglak back to the Euclid Dimension? Yes/No

When you send a summon to the Euclid Dimension, you kill them and they will respawn there. Their bodies will crumble into iridescent dust.

When they are there, they live like any other and can level up, gain skills and titles etc.

Sol selected yes.

"It has been a privilege to serve you, Masta," Oglak declared as his body began to break down into iridescent colours. He turned into dust and it drifted off into the air.

Sol looked down to his hands, it was the first time he had ever felt truly powerful. To summon a giant demon boasting more strength than Tower in his raged form was something he never expected to do. To get revenge on Henry Murdoch didn't feel so helpless anymore. He weakly smiled and clenched his fists. He was going to become the strongest person to ever set foot in Gaia and do his parents proud. For his sake and his sisters.

"It is just an Unwanted!" He heard a woman's voice say.

Sol turned behind him to see a woman with long brown hair and a more than dark misted face. He could feel her powerful aura from where he stood. He had never seen her before but then again he had only ever met two other Overseers in his time within the Unwanted.

"Overseer," Sol said as he bowed his head.

"You're cute under that mask," she said.

Sol kept his head down.

"That is no ordinary Unwanted," a voice said that Sol immediately recognised.

He spun around to see Overseer Green walking up to him. He bowed again.

"Oooo, who is it?" Dupe questioned as she skipped up to him.

"Immortal, Overseer," Sol replied.

"There was a powerful presence here earlier, did you deal with it?" Green asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sol replied.

"You're immortal really? So like, you can't die?" Dupe asked.

Sol was very confused as to why an Overseer acted like a teenage girl.

"I cannot die," Sol explained.

"Really? Seems a bit unfair," Dupe said as she looked at him. She was a few inches smaller but still taller than most women at 6ft and 3inches.

"He suffers from a- you've changed Immortal. You smell of… Colours?" Green questioned.

Dupe laughed, "What?"

"You remember that I had an undiscovered affinity? Not from Gaia?" Sol said.

"Indeed, so this is it? It smells refreshing." Green said.

Dupe got really close to Sol and sniffed, "You just smell like blood," she said.

"May I ask what affinity it is?" Green asked curiously. "I have never felt something so unique in my life."

Sol nervously glanced towards Dupe who was standing really close to him.

"Iridescence, from the Euclid Dimension, Sir," Sol said. They could tell if he was lying so it was best to tell the truth.

The elf thought for a moment. "Interesting, I presume you have been?"

Sol nodded, "I haven't told the Elders yet."

"Perhaps don't go into too much detail," Green said.

"I won't, Sir."

"Can we go get some food? I'm starving," Dupe begged Green.

"Dupe, will you stop acting like a petulant child? Do you not remember your rank in the Unwanted," Green angrily reminded.

She threw one hand up carelessly. "Rank- Smank, who cares."

Green sighed, "Well it is good to see you again Immortal. I hope to see more of your prowess exceed the Raptor Rank in the future. Send my regards to Lady Death."

Sol nodded. "May Odin be with both of you," he said politely and with respect.

It was a very formal way of saying goodbye.

Green bowed to Sol and turned. Dupe kissed Sol on the cheek and started to skip away with the other Overseer.

Sol's brain was melting, it had been one hell of a day. The horde, the summoning of Oglak, his sisters almost dying and now meeting two Overseers- the strongest rank in the whole of the Unwanted.