Chapter 84 A Series Of Unfortunate Events Part 3

"Wait," Lucia said, "Summon that other big guy you keep talking about."

"What? Oglak?" Sol questioned.

He actually could summon Oglak, he fit inside the tall hallways and definitely the boss room.

He resummoned Wolfy first before trying to summon Oglak. He took a deep breath and selected him off the menu.

"Are you summoning a fucking dragon! Holy shit!" Lucia said as the mana density increased dramatically.

"You'll see why," Sol said.

He couldn't do it, he felt the mana tear away at his arm. He sat down as he clutched his veins.

"You can't do it?" Lucia questioned.

Sol shook his head, "I did it once before. Even with my new stat points into wisdom it's still not enough.

Fluffy heabutted a crippled headless armour that had gotten too close and set it flying backwards.

"How did you do it last time?" Lucia asked.

"Thought of my sisters," Sol said.

"Hmm… Sounds like bullshit."


"You think emotions really play an effect in magic or whatever?"

"Well, yeah- that's what I discussed with Sharp," Sol responded.

Lucia couldn't roll her eyes but she definitely did. "You're just more focused, your will is stronger. It's got nothing to do with actual emotions."

"But my will would get stronger if I'm angry right?"

Lucia seemed conflicted. "Yes, but- but it really has nothing to do with emotions. It's called Willpower- a hidden stat."

Sol knew where she was coming from, Tower had unlocked the Willpower stat and he could add stat points into it.

"Just think of- I don't know, your sisters being raped and tortured."

"Lucia," Sol said angrily.

"It's just an idea,"

Sol took a deep breath and tried again with absolute focus. Iridescent magic poured out from his hand and powered into the floor in front of him. He started to yell as he passed his 3rd regeneration.

A gate appeared in front of him and Oglak stepped out to kneel in front of Sol.

"Masta, thank you for giving me a chance to serve you once again,"

"Oh. My. Odin," Lucia stated.

"Oglak, it is good to see you. How was your time in the Euclid Dimension?"

"It was good Masta, years have passed and every second was dedicated to training to serve you."

"Years?" Sol questioned, "How have you not levelled up?"

"It is to my disappointment that this new improved body takes boundless experience to level up."

'Oh Odin' Sol thought, Oglak must have been sent to where Sol had gone the first time- where time dilation was ridiculous. Since Oglak was extremely strong for his level it must take him ages to level up too.

"Lady Lucia, nice to meet you, Oglak."

"This is Lucia," Sol said, "My dagger."

"A dagger that serves my masta is of great significance to me."

"Hmm- so charming," Lucia said seductively.

"Masta, what is it you wish for me. Anything- I will fulfil it," Oglak said.

Sol had completely forgotten just how intimidating Oglak was, he was a giant demon with keratin spikes all up his back. Also, Oglak was unyieldingly faithful towards Sol.

"These are my other summons," Sol said, "We will be fighting in that room. You won't be able to damage it so I need you to provide support and hold the boss if you can."

"Of course, Masta. It is good to see you have powerful summons, they will protect you," Oglak said, still in a kneeling position.

"Rise, Oglak. We will be entering now."

"Yes, Masta."

'Why does he call you Masta?' Lucia asked in his head.

''Cause… I don't know. The way he says it is just badass' Sol thought back.

'Good point, he's a got huge dick too- it's baging against his knees'

Sol shook the thought of Oglak's huge penis from his mind and brought up Oglak's skill- Fire Pulse.

Iridescent Benevolence has been activated. Would you like to obtain the skill:

Skill- Fire Pulse Expert Level IX (A)

-The horn on the demon's head will glow brightly red before the skill is activated. Upon a five second wait time, a cone of fire will be emitted at high speeds dealing 1120 base damage.

Cooldown: 3 Minutes

Stamina Cost: 460

Mana Cost: 20

Affinities: Fire, Space-Time, Wind.


Sol was speechless, Expert skill was ridiculously hard to advance but in the years Oglak had been there he must have only levelled it up.

"Oglak, have you gained any more skills?" Sol asked.

"It seems I cannot, Masta. I mean no offence to the Great Masta but I believe that it relies on you."

"Ah," Lucia remarked, "Perhaps it's your banishment skill or the class level."

Sol rubbed his chin in thought, it was a skill he couldn't really level up well. His class was something else entirely- it had slowly been going up in decimals everyday when he had Fluffy and Wolfy out. When he summoned Oglak that only went up by 0.2% now compared to the last time.

Lucia cleared her throat, "Umm… Sol? The boss."

"Oh yeah," Sol stated, returning back to reality.

He pressed his hand on the door to push it open but a prompt came up.

You are now entering the Boss Room of the Headless General.

When entering, there will be a time limit of 45 minutes to kill the entity. If you do not succeed in that time then you will be forcibly removed from the dungeon. Any dead bodies left in the dungeon will remain.

Enter at your own risk.

"This must be a part of the new update," Lucia stated.

"It must," Sol added, "It's a bit morbid."

Lucia rolled her non-existent eyes again while Sol pushed open the doors. The dagger in his hand began to glow brightly. Sol stepped into a large armoury- lined with full sets of armours along each of the walls. There were glowing weapons lined along the wall.

"That's some good loo-" Sol said but was abruptly cut off.

"The hero wielding the Soul Shatter has come to defeat me!" A posh but aggressive British accent echoed around the armoury.

It was coming from the center of the room where a large headless armour was standing. It's armour was lined with perfect blue and silver engravings and they glowed a gentle purple.

DUNGEON BOSS Level 61 Headless General, General, Grandmaster of the Sword, Slayer of the Manifestation of Gluttony, (See More)

Sol whistled, "Damn."

"You shall perish like the rest for I am the Headless General!"

"I, wielder of the dagger Soul Shatter, will defeat you in the name of the light!" Sol played along.

"I'm gonna throw up," Lucia said.

Sol stayed put as his summons charged past him. As they did, armour sets on the walls transformed into headless armour and they charged forward. There were about 30 of them in total.

"Keep them away from me!" Sol ordered as he started to walk forwards.

"A duel it is!" The Headless General shouted.

Sol dashed forward and activated his blink skill to get behind the general but instantly found a sword through his heart.

The general started laughing as he pressed his sword further in, "Pathetic."

Sol smiled as he sliced at the general's armour plating, finding the soul dagger to offer a scratch. He pressed his leg on the general's chest and then pushed himself off into a backflip.

"A trick- no, a skill perhaps." The general said.

Sol winked at him and activated a dark place dash, shadows poured all around him. The only thing Sol didn't expect was a wild slice from the general's sword causing him to bend backwards to avoid it.

"Foolish to think I cannot perceive trickery."

Sol jumped off of Wolfy and allowed the general to impale him. He pushed himself down onto it and got in two slashes before the general threw him off into a wall.

"Stop this!" The general shouted.

Sol cracked his neck, "I'm just warming up."

The general shouted as it teleported towards Sol, catching him off guard. The general's sword skills cut Sol completely in half. His bloody top half regrew leaving him butt naked.

He scooped up his pouch and Lucia from his corpse and doubled back on himself. He commanded Oglak to take them.

"You're a brave man," Lucia said as her voice faded.

Now it was just Sol, the dagger, his penis and the Headless General.

Sol went back to work, killing himself over and over again- getting nicks that caused minimal damage. This was always how he fighted bosses- using his immortality in the cheesiest way possible.

Fluffy was the first to fall out of his summons, him being the weakest and lowest damage he was bound to. Oglak was holding off dozens of them while Wolfy bounced off the walls constantly.

Killing the general wasn't the hard part, it was the time limit Sol was going to struggle with. Each minute that past, the general's attacks got stronger, faster- resulting in him getting angrier and angrier.

As the 40th minute passed, Sol activated Iridescent Benevolence to borrow Oglak's Fire Pulse skill. It felt twice as large as the last time he used it.

"Sol," Lucia said calmly amidst the chaos.

"Not now," Sol said.

"It's gonna-"

Sol activated the skill, he immediately regretted it as he felt every cell of his body surge with ridiculous power. He went to shout for help but the skill was already in activation.

The horn glowed brightly as a cone of fire that took up half the size of the boss room was emitted from the top of Sol's head. The force instantly removed his head from his body which wasn't far behind him. Organs and bones crumpled against the back of the boss room.

"Um, Sol. You ok?" Lucia shouted over to him from atop Oglak's shoulder.

A small part of his heart regrew into a brand new Sol. His eyes spun around as he tried to find the boss.

"Where is it?!"

"I-I don't know."

Sol's eyes locked onto a huge hole in the back of the boss room, he couldn't see the bottom of it. He scooped up Soul Shatter and sprinted towards it, he teleported forwards and was just able to see the general that was partially stuck in the rock. He lunged forward with everything and pierced directly through the general's armour.

He pulled it out again and slashed as wildly as he could. Metal grieves grabbed his neck and crushed every bone inside of it. He was thrown all the way back to the boss room. He pressed the button on his finger as he gasped for air just in time for the boss to emerge from the hole.

"Sol! He's close!"

Sol went back in, dodging under a lightning fast slash and moved Soul Shatter fast causing minor cuts.

The general stumbled backwards, surprised that it's body wasn't moving in accordance with instructions.

"This can't be," the general said.

Sol stood up with a ragged breath, "Shut up, annoying boss."


Sol jammed his dagger in the chestplate and white light poured out and the Headless General exploded. The other headless armours all dropped to the ground.