Chapter 90- Unexpected Conversation

The group stood by the side of the banquet hall eating away at the buffet for an hour, many people saw them as intimidating with the masks.

Tower was on 7th champagne when performers walked into the center of the banquet hall. With music now playing and eyes less focused on others, the team managed to relax slightly more.

Sharp had managed to find some scholars to talk to and disappeared from the group.

Sol was watching the entertainment in the center when he heard a voice behind him.

"Don't turn around," Elora said.

"But I want to see you in that dress," Sol replied.

"Sorry… It's just awkward if we're seen here… together."

Sol breathed out, that was not something good to hear.

"My mother is coming over to speak with you shortly. Don't tell her about the nights we had. We've been on 4 dates since the mission, got it?"

"Urm, ok- sure, I can do that," Sol said, flustered.

She walked away and began talking to some other nobles who were attending.

"What was that about?" Spike asked.

"Her mother is coming to speak to me,"

Spike looked worried for him, "Do you want me to- you know, back you up?"

Sol chuckled, "You wanna fight her?"

Spike shook his head.

"Thanks though,"

Mr Evergrand came over next to speak to the team. He was wearing a robed suit that displayed the emblem and colours of his house. They matched the colours of what his wife was wearing. He also looked visibly nervous.

"How are you guys-oh, there's one missing," Mr Evergrand said, extending his hand.

Tower clasped it, "He's talking to some others."

"Well, I hope the pay from the auction was satisfactory."

"Yes, Sir, thank you for doing that. It's funny that we're now representing Auraria," Tower said.

"Very ironic, yes, but money is not a problem for them, however."

They continued to talk about the games and Mr Evergrands recent endeavours with his house.

"I must be leaving now," Mr Evergrand said, "I need to talk some shite to other house reps and pretend I care."

The group laughed, the man was very down to Gaia.

"Have a good night, Sir," Tower said with a head nod.

He walked past the group and leant into Sol's shoulder.

"My wife is coming to speak to you, tell her that you've taken Elora out on at least 6 dates since the mission."

"Elora's already briefed me, Sir."

The man paused and nodded his head sideways, "Hm, I did raise her right then."

Sol smiled.

"Oh, she's coming now, say that I needed to urgently speak to House Field."

Now Sol was nervous, if Elora and even Mr Evergrand himself was scared of his own wife then he felt as if he should worry- and worry a lot.

Mr Evergand scampered off like a naughty kid, he weaved between a few other people making polite excuses and disappeared into the large banquet hall.

"Immortal," A voice said behind him. It was calm yet demanded authority.

Sol gulped and slowly turned around.

"Yes, Lady Evergrand,"

She courtsyed and Sol bowed in response.

"And how did you know it was me?"

Spike pinched Sol's ass from behind and he tried his best to not flinch.

"Your colours and the way you carry yourself," Sol half-lied in a polite manner.

She was definitely Mrs. Evergand in a sense. She was blindingly beautiful and looked to be in her mid 30s but she would have been far older. She was a brunette and she wore the same colours as Mr. Evergrand with her hair in the same style as Elora's. He could tell that it was Elora's mother, not by the way they looked since she was adopted but her aura, accent and style.

She ignored the compliment, "Did you see my husband?"

"He had some urgent matters with the House Field," Sol wholly-lied with dripping sweat.

"Would you like to introduce me to your team,"

Sol was still flustered, "Yes, yes of course," he said as he turned around, "this is…"

"Tower, Ma'am." Tower said, "This is Spike and Mute, we did have one more who is speaking to someone else."

"Such an interesting yet mysterious team, I think you will do excellent in the games. Immortal, do you mind if I have a private word with you?"

"Of course, Ma'am," Sol said as he pulled the second hand shirt collar away from his neck.

He couldn't see his team as he was walking away but they were definitely snickering. She took him out on a balcony overlooking the city of New London. It was relatively private where only a handful of people were.

"I already know Elora and my husband have warned you about me," Mrs. Evergrand said.

"Why would you they warn me-"

"You can't lie to a woman, Sol."

He was surprised she called him by his name but also alarmed.

"Do not worry, we have done no digging on you. Elora practically spat it out at dinner."

Sol looked around to the people who were outside on the balcony with them. They weren't listening and his perception didn't pick up on any peering eyes.

"Yes… They told me to lie, is this a test?"

She chuckled lightly to herself as she leant on the balcony. She took a sip of champagne as she looked out over the balcony.

"No, that was a real warning. I'll be honest with you. I don't like you."

"Sorry, what?" Sol questioned.

"I don't like you, your manners are terrible, your hair unkempt, don't even get me started on your dress sense."

Sol chuckled as he put his back against the balcony and took a sip of champagne.

"So I do not want you seeing my daughter, you provide no advantage to our house and you have no background."

Sol chuckled a little less this time, he met her eyes, "But I'm the guy Elora likes, and it's not about you or your house. It's about Elora, she can do what she likes."

"You're also incredibly rude, does that always come with people with no class."

Sol shrugged as he took another sip, "Mostly,"

"Is that all you have to say?"

"Yeah, I appreciate you being honest with me. It's better than staring daggers into my back."

She was speechless.

Sol bowed slowly and politely, "Have a good night, Lady Evergand, enjoy the games tomorrow."

He calmly walked back inside to join the rest of his team.

"Honey," Mr. Evergand said as he walked out on the balcony, "There you are."

He was worried when he noticed her staring soullessly into the skyline of New London.

"Are you ok, dear?"

She shook her head, "Yes, sorry, did you find Sir. Field?"

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"Absolutely, wonderful view isn't it."

"Yes, yes," Mr. Evergrand mused.

She was stunned at Sol's personality, he completely switched on a dime from nervous to confident. She thought he was a waste of space- his only attractive qualities being his immortality and the 'bad boy' persona of being an Unwanted.

Now she understood why Elora was interested in him, he was charming and she had yet to see his face. She wouldn't admit it but she was strangely attracted to him too.

"C'mon my dear, those fire breathers from our party are here. You love those."