Chapter 96- Monster Rush Part 4

The 1 hour mark has passed.

Stronger monsters will now be released.

-This entails boss types, unique types and also a 150% increase in monster spawns.

Good luck.

Tower scrunched up his face as he brought up the leaderboards.

Adventurer Games Menu

Biome: Trees of Old

Your total points score: 191

Team total points score: 903

Time elapsed: 42 Minutes 13 Seconds

Teams remaining: 15

Adventurers remaining: 59





















"Who's near again?" Tower asked again.

"Beastlands, Kraos and Northcross, Northcross team have 3 members remaining," Sol explained.

"You think we can take them?" Tower questioned.

Mute conveyed that she thought they could.

"They're the team with the good weapons right? Dwarves n'all?" Sol asked.

Tower nodded, "They'll have better weapons but worse skills for fighting, probably no magic."

"And after?" Sol asked.

Tower shrugged, "Survive as long as we can. If we can grab their points the survivor bonus will probably get us into 5th or 6th."

"That's a lot of maths huh," Sol joked as they started running towards the Northcross team.

"I'm talking out my ass," Tower joked back, "What environment are they in?"

"The Yellow Sea, sand biome. They're currently fighting something called a Grinning Lizard Snatcher," Sol replied as he examined the creature more.

The more he was watching the monster, the more he was intrigued about it. They were large creatures, the length of a limousine and had a worm-like body. They were covered in a hard brown chitin shell that could open to move sand away. Its face was the most distinguishable feature. It's mouth stretched all the way around its body giving it the 'grinning' name with hundreds of prehistoric teeth. Its nose and mouth were small giving it an even creepier appearance with its large mouth.

"Tower," Sol said, "I want one of those."

"The Grinning Lizard- thing?" Tower replied.

"Yeah, I want an Alpha," Sol responded.

"Alright, don't prioritise it. And save the big guy still, who knows when we'll need him."

Sol nodded and explained the situation to Mute who had no problems with it.

"It should take me a few seconds to use it," Sol explained.

Tower grunted his understanding.

The trio emerged into the sandy biome and the heat instantly hit them. The sand was fine and the name of the biome made it look like a yellow sea. As they jogged over a sand dune they saw the team of three taking out a cluster of grinning lizard snatchers.

There were three dwarves with machine-like armour, they weren't sweating which confused the team as they could fill buckets. Their weapons looked powerful but the team saw that they lacked magical and physical skills.

"They're gonna finish off that group," Tower said.

"You want a distraction?" Sol asked.

"Go on then, Mute will have a hard time approaching as will I."

Sol whistled and Wolfy went under his legs. He checked if he still had Iridescent Benevolence activated for Dark Place dash, he was thankful when it popped up.

He patted Wolfy's thick hide as she charged forward. The dwarves instantly noticed him charging and two of them switched focus to meet him while the other held off the remaining monsters.

"C'mon ya bastard!" The dwarf yelled as his sword extended into a spear.

The dwarf then pressed a switch on the armour he was wearing and a crossbow-like machine extended out above him. It started firing small but packed mana arrows towards him.

Sol pressed his head against Wolfy's back and flattened out his body. The mana arrows penetrated Wolfy's hide causing huge damage but she persisted onwards by order of her master.The spear now in his hand started elongating and building up a mana charge at the tip.

"That's just unfair," Sol muttered to himself as the distance closed.

The dwarf, along with some aim-assist, threw the powerful spear directly towards Wolfy. It came so fast that she couldn't even think to dodge it. Her back flipped over causing Sol to be ejected in the air.

As his momentum slowed at the top of his fall, he activated Dark Place Dash and landed a few metres behind them.

"He's invisible!" The dwarf yelled, "Look at the sand! Look at the sand!"

Sol remained motionless as the skill ticked down.

'Tower is 6 seconds away' Lucia said to him.

Sol kept calm as the dwarves looked towards the charging tank heading straight for them.

"It's a big fucker! Get out the Big One!"

Sol was now intrigued what the 'Big One' was but that wasn't going to distract him from his mission.

He activated Iridescent Blink just before his invisibility disappeared. He teleported next to the dwarf keeping off the monsters and went to strike but found himself stuck waist deep in the sand.

That dwarf turned around with a giant grin on his face.

"Unlucky laddie, ye a fly in a trap," he said before a magical cannon on his arm clicked into place.

From the waist up, Sol's entire body was blown off, there was no blood or pieces of flesh, he had just been obliterated.

Tower came charging in with a shield with Mute hugging his back.

"There's a lass behind him!" One of the dwarves shouted.

"Is it ready?!"

"Fuckin' hold ye horse, Badger! She takes time."

Sol revived a second later to the intense surprise and dismay of the dwarf standing next to him. Sol hid his face as he summoned his mask back and jammed Lucia into the dwarfs ankle.

The dwarf tried to pull him away but Sol dragged him down and started stabbing widely at him. He brought his dagger across the dwarf's throat and sliced it open.

The others noticed but Sol was still stuck in the strange sand trap so he couldn't get out.

A huge magical blaster started to click into place on the dwarfs chest and started rotating.

"Tower! Watch the big fucking gun!" Sol shouted.

The dwarf through his cigar out his mouth and steadied himself.

Tower ducked his head behind his shield and continued running forwards.

Sol couldn't do anything himself so he decided to summon Fluffy down from the sky. The flying bunny went invisible and just as the powerful weapon on the dwarf's chest activated, Fluffy appeared just in front of it.

The close distance caused the powerful magical attack to fire back at the dwarves, sending them flying into the nearby sand dunes.

Tower and Mute took some damage but they stuck their heads up above Tower's shield. They had been blown back around 20 metres.

"Immortal!" Tower shouted, "Kill them before the monsters do!"

Sol hurriedly tried to remove himself from the trap but it was no good, he couldn't muster enough strength and he couldn't teleport since there was interference. Sol thought rapidly how to remove himself from the trap but the only thing that came to mind was ripping his heart out.

He started hyperventilating before grabbing Lucia and cut his own heart out.

"Oh," Thomas the presenter said, mortified, his voice filled with so many questions. "Is he really doing that?"

Mark had his eyes open wide and his jaw on his tie, he didn't respond.

The crowds in the stand didn't know whether to be amazed or downright distraught.

Sol yanked his own heart out and with the last of his remaining strength, he threw it as hard as he could towards the dwarves who were now getting to their feet. His heart started to grow its arteries and a naked Sol soon appeared. His old body that was stuck in the trap fell onto the sand thankfully hiding his face.

He resummoned his mask and Lucia to meet the dwarfs who looked worse for wear.

"Fuck off ye cunt," the dwarf cursed with a moutful of blood.

"I'll cut ya wee dick off!" The other one shouted.

Sol smiled under his mask and duplicated Lucia in his hands, "I'm all game fellas."

The dwarfs smirked slightly as they brought out their weapons and met Sol in a two versus one. Sol slid under a hatchet and stabbed his dagger between the metal plates around their kneecap.

He teleported behind the other dwarf and jammed it into their spine, the dwarf's body went limp from the paralysation Sol had inflicted. Sol rolled the dwarf over with a kick and threw his dagger straight into the Dwarf's forehead causing the stasis to be instantly activated.

Tower came in with the final blow on the other fallen dwarf.

Sol gave a cheery nod to Tower who chucked his pouch towards him.

"Get some clothes on," Tower said as he looked at the approaching monsters.

"Where's Mute?" Sol asked as he put some trousers and boots on.

The two looked over to Mute who was standing still, she had killed the rest of the monsters but she wasn't moving. The two knew Mute well and she would have joined them by now.

"Hey!" Tower shouted, "You alright!"

Still, Mute didn't move.

"Something's wrong," Sol said with worry.

The two hurried over to Mute but as Tower approached she swung her sword at Tower, it sliced open a muscle on his arm. The way she moved seemed unnatural; doll like. Sol pushed Tower back and held his daggers in a defensive position towards Mute.

"Mute! What the fuck are you doing?!"

She didn't respond or use her body language in a way that signified she was listening.

Tower grunted behind Sol, the giant mad was terrified, he didn't understand what was going on. He cared for Mute more than anyone else in the group and was worried for her.

'What's going on?" Sol asked Lucia.

'Hmmmm..' she sniffed through her non-existent nose.

'Lucia!' Sol demanded.

'Umm- Voodoo, no wait- um-um, what is it? Wait- no, it's rare, a blood related skill, I can't tell what though.'