Light in his eyes!

When Evan reached the ending, in spite of following the regular tone, she adjusted it to the way she always wanted to play. Deafening silence engulfed the ballroom. As if everyone was frozen and could not even react. The music shook their souls completely.

An applause finally sounded after a full three seconds, followed by a second applause, then a third applause...

The applause that sounded like rolling thunder resonated throughout the entire ballroom.

"No, that is not possible. She didn't even know how to play piano. She had cheated. She had…" Olivia continued to mumble as she shook her head. She took two steps backwards as if she did not want to face the reality and tumbled down on the stool again. Her face was ashen. She continued to stare at Evan in disbelief. How could a commoner be this elegant and graceful? No! She pinched herself to get rid of this nightmare.