
"Leo, you fraud! I curse you for getting a wife that spends your money like water and then you have to beg for every silver coin!!" she could not help but curse him while gnashing her teeth. He had tricked her again and again.


Just when she finished cursing him, she took a deep breath. Her stuffy chest was feeling lighter now. But the same could not be said for others. They looked at her as if she was a witch who could be burnt alive anytime. And they would be included in the massacre, as they had witnessed it.

Especially the knight, he was looking so aghast that he could faint from the shock anytime but Evan did not even shed a glance to them. She took a deep breath to control her urge to beat Leo and walked towards the dining room. At least, she wanted to utilize the purpose of her looks for the time being or she would not be able to bear the shock of losing so many gold coins.