The memories of food

"You are still not part of the Thawyne family, you can only call me aunt when you get married to Leo. But it is still a matter of far away in the future. First Eli and Eve would get married. Only then will Leo get the chance to hold his wedding. And no one knows what awaits us tomorrow. Let alone be the matter of a few years later. 

Till then you are living here as a guest. So, you better call me Matriarch or her grace!" Her voice was authoritative and full of arrogance. But Evan only nodded. She did not mean to set a close relationship, she just called her as others did. But her cold reminder made Even realize that she was getting attached to the family more than required!

She bowed her head politely, "yes, your grace. I will remember that in the future!" Though her face still looked calm, Leo still noticed a streak of pain that had passed through her face for a second!