[Bonus chapter]

  Before she could speak further to convince him, he murmured.

"I am ready to let you apply even if it has poison!"

"..........." her grip on the porcelain bottle tightened as she looked at him dumbfounded while her heart started to run a marathon. She felt like it would come out of her ribcage any moment.

It took her a few seconds to compose herself and look at him. Heat had risen on her cheeks, making her rosy hue darker. 

"At last it would stop your nagging. You are worse than my grandmother when it comes to grumbling and fault finding!" his tone sounded lazy and tired as if he could not wait to get rid of her and even ready to get poisoned if she would leave her alone then!

"............" and here she thought, for once he was going to speak nicely with her! What had she even expected from an iceberg!