[Bonus chapter]

"Grrrrr" Evan held her stomach when it grumbled again. Skipping the meals in the past had been a general thing. But since the day she had started having her meals in the palace. They were served timely and much more delicious, so she had developed a habit of having all her meals. 

"I did not have both lunch and dinner today." and now she was not able to sleep because she was feeling hungry. She tossed and turned in bed for a while trying to sleep but in the end she sat with a defeated face. 

Wearing her sleepers, she stood up to find something in the kitchen. The knights gave a look to her but did not say a word when she walked out of the room with a small candle in her hands.

It was very late at night so, most of the staff was asleep except a few knights that were on night duty.