[Bonus chapter]

"See, i told you, i was right. Hiccup, but you have never believed in me. Hmmm" she pulled the tie of his shirt and looked at him with an aggrieved face.

Her face had turned red with hazy eyes that were looking so alluring on her innocent face, "do you know you are an Evil duke! You always keep ordering me and never listen to me. Hiccup!" her words were turning incoherent but her temptations were getting stronger every passing second.

"This girl there!" "hiccup" her shaking hands were pointing at the empty space a few inches away from Aurora, "she! She hiccuped! She mixed something in the soup too. But you did not believe me." her cheeks puffed up and a cute little pout formed on her lips.

Leo held the armrest so tightly in his hands that his nails were digging deep into it. Her eyes had darkened when he felt her so close, not to forget her enchanting face and sweet voice was creating havoc in his mind.