[Bonus chapter]

"Is Aurora telling the truth? Did you inform her about the incident of spices during dinner?" his cold gaze was burning but what affected Gabriella was the truth.

Though she had always been strict and cold towards the family, she had always worked for only their betterment. Not even once had she lied or tried to hurt the family members intentionally. But Evan! 

She was not part of the family so it would matter if she told the truth. She bit her lips and did not reply for a long time.

"Aunt, what are you waiting for? Tell him the truth or he will continue to blame me!" the urged voice of Aurora churned her gut but she still did not say a word.

"That.. i!" Leo tilted his head as he looked back at Aurora who was giving the best actress performance. Her smearing makeup over her face due to her tears and her wet eyes would make everyone feel pity on her but he felt nothing but disgust!