[Bonus chapter]

"If you win, I will accept that you are greater than me and will not come in your way between you and Leo. But if you lose you will leave Leo and return to where you belong!" 

"Tsk! Who cares about him! You can keep him without betting too. I want to bet 1000 gold coins!" Evan had already given the treasure back to Leo as he had promised her that he would return her gold and silver but he had not given her anything yet. 

But the way he had behaved today, she wanted to be prepared to leave if the situation arrives.

"Ha! So, you think that I would believe your words that the 1000 gold coins were more important than the only heir of the family of thwayne?" Olivia faked a shock on her face and shook her head.

"Are you not underestimating him too much or is this a trick to change the stakes?" she asked again but Evan just shrugged.