Getting ignored again

"My lady, would you come to the training area often now?" asked Raymond trying to break the awkward silence. 

His face still had that warm smile which would make anyone at ease.

"I think so. I am not sure how Leo would take the decision." Evan replied honestly. If asked she still preferred a few hour class taken by Eli and Eve rather than spending the whole day here with the flings of Leo that did not leave them alone even for a second.

Leo tilted his head and looked at Raymond with his gaze narrowed on him that he felt a bit embarrassed.

"I would think about it if i would bring my future wife with me or not!" Evan rolled her eyes as he had addressed her. He was taking the show too realistically! 

Was he not scared that Olivia would be angry if he was trying to improve his relationship with her! Let it be! She had nothing to do with the man!