I can not guarantee

Could it be that Martin's money was like her money, but when it came to him she did not mind at all!

With that thought his chest burst. He felt like he could not bear it anymore. If she continued to stay closer to him then he might had a heart attack due to anger or he would beat her to death.

"I am not going to pay a single more coin than the bill from my pocket. If you are so interested in paying him extra income then why don't you give him a part of your reward??" though he was asking him, the way he was looking at her as if he would kill her.

This time the blood was just so strong that she was not even sure that Martin and Carl could save her. But her fear of losing the rewards was stronger than her fear for death.

"I will! I will pay two gold coins from my reward. But for that too, you have to return it back. You have promised that you will change all the jewels and rare gold coins into silver and gold coins but you did not return it back.