[Bonus chapter] She did not love Leo

Martin looked at the corridor where aunt Martha left with Leo and for some reason his heart beat increased. He looked at Evan with hesitating eyes. 

He did not want to ask her any question that offended her but at the same time, he felt that he would not be able to let go of it if he would not do so.

"Carl, will you bring a glass of water for me from the kitchen?" He turned towards his brother and passed him the empty glass that was laid in front of him.

Since Carl was already done with the dinner. He nodded and stood up from his seat and walked towards the kitchen without thinking much about it.

Evan, who was still busy enjoying the fruit rolls, had her head lowered and took a small bite of her dessert, savoring its taste on her tongue for a long time. In the palace they all eat with so much manners and etiquettes that she has very little time for enjoying her meals even when they have an assortment of dishes.