[Bonus chapter]The bunch of lies

"My lady, I am too tired and want to retire for tonight. Please excuse me!" She stood up abruptly as she did not want to be an extra in the gathering of the family. 

Leo frowned when he saw the girl running like demons were chasing her. But most importantly, the sparkle that had come on her face after looking at the seafood vanished in a second, even her eyes turned dim.

Though he was furious at her will to separate herself from the family, he did not say anything as she stood up ready to leave.

"Where do you think you are going? Huh?" asked Eli in a stern voice that Even knew better than the warm voice she heard just a minute ago.

"That.. I am going to my room to have some rest." her voice turned lower and lower as the stern eyes of Eli did not stop staring at her.

"How foolish of you to think you are not part of the family?" she looked at Evan like she was a fool, "better come here and sit down before i punish you!"