Beat the pulp out of him

"He should not be a noble or rich man but a lower level knight or a farmer who earns enough for the family but does not have more money to create rift and jealousy in the family.

He should on average look not too handsome to bring flies wherever he goes!

  He should be kind and sweet towards everyone he met and bring warmth in my family and heart!

And he should be a simple minded person who could talk to me the whole night while looking at the stars even when we did not have big chandeliers at our home. We should share a simple dinner happily under the candle light!

"..." her words were no less than splashing cold water on his face who was sure that all the qualities would match him,

She did not want wealth, looks and nobility in her husband that he had but wanted to marry a commoner who was either a low level knight or a farmer. 

The image of laughing Martin and Reynold formed in front of his eyes that seemed to be mocking him.