Not only Pig but a Sloth

All the nerves of his forehead started to pop as he looked at her and in the end he could not help but scold her,

"Evangeline! Are you a pig! How much are you going to eat! It has been so much time yet you are still eating! Did you forget that we have to leave in half an hour?"

"....." she was sure that not only five minutes had passed since she had started eating. She looked at the half eaten bread in her plate and the eggs with a reluctant look before she let them go and stood up.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting, my lord. I am done and if you are ready we can leave now!" she stood up and replied to him in a professional tone but one again was stunned to see that strange smile on his face.

It looked like his jaws were in pain or his lips had turned stiff due to the unnecessary stretch. He looked like he had pain in his teeth.

Was it because he had drunk too much last night? Was that why he was so moody too?