Let me help you!

"Welcome, my lord!"

Had he been hallucinating? His eyes narrowed on the girl that was looking as surprised as him but soon she recovered from her shock and welcomed him,

He walked closer to her and only stopped when he was just an inch away from the girl.

Before she could open her mouth and speak at work, he flicked her forehead.

"Awww!" Evan, who was stunned to see the man appearing out of nowhere, winced when she felt the pain on her forehead. 

She rubbed the place as her cheeks puffed up. She knew that he was angry, but she had never expected that he would talk with his hands when they would meet.

"Why did you do that?" her eyes looked at him with grievances as if she had been stabbed to death.

"So, it is really you!"

"......." so, he flicked her forehead because he wanted to be assured that it was her! Was his eyes not working?