[Bonus chapter]


His hands were holding her waist on the place when his lips started leaving peppery kisses on her body. He started from his neck leaving small kisses moving towards her collarbone, and the cleavage.

Once his lips reached there, her eyes widened and her hands held his hair tightly in her grip. She had never touched her there before! She should stop him!

But even after trying no voice came out. The intensity was so much that she could not bear it at all. This was so damn sensuous, so damn hot! Her whole body had started burning under his touches.

And her senses were fading away. Her eyes were turning glassy and she started having trouble breathing! It felt like she would burn and die right there. Not due to the water but due to his assaults. 

How could he be so perfect when it comes to touching her when he said that he never had a girl in his life!