[Bonus chapter]There Will Be No Next Time!


"So, i want to change the reward, i want to be a noble to hide the truth!" William blinked and stared at the man for so long as if he had lost his voice but then he laughed. He held his stomach and laughed hard as if he had gone crazy but in the next second his face turned so cold and eerie as if he was a demon coming from the pit of hell.

"You know there is a limit to being delusional! If you continue to spout nonsense that I have to send you to the physician for losing your sensibility!" Suddenly he stopped laughing and stared hard into the eye of the man with frozen eyes and cold face.

"Who do you think you are and how could you even dream of being a noble? 

Even if I had magic I could not and would not change a man like you to a noble.

And as far as buying properties and settling down, I have already told you that I would arrange a ship for you that will take you to the other part of the continent and you can start a new life there.