[Bonus chapter] Mark Him.

After the whole day of hard work, Evan dragged her tired body to her room!

"Who would have thought that preparing for marriage is more difficult than preparing for the war!" she muttered with a sigh as she rubbed her sore feet while climbing on her bed,

She did not even care to open the lights as she slumped on the bed!

"You are talking like you have already fought a few wars and have good experience to compare them!" her eyes widened and she sat up with a stark when the soft voice tickled her neck.

Moving her hands with the speed of lightning, she lit the nearest candle and stared at the man with utter shock in her eyes.

He was wearing a night robe and inside her blanket with a leisurely look in his eye. 

"Why did you light the candle? I do not like the light when I am sleeping!" he muttered softly with an exaggerating frown like a spoiled kid.