[Bonus chapter] She Can Not Believe

"So much happened that I forgot to tell you. I am here to take you on our date. We have to hurry up before the sun rises or others would not let us go!" 

"A date??" the idea looked surreal to her especially with all the chaos in the palace! "But how!?"

"They are only going to write letters today. If you stay, they would ask you to read all the letters that would be going to the close friends, family vassals and higher nobles than us! 

It is only so that you know what they were told and you can learn how to write a letter to nobles!" her eyes dimmed as she heard his explanation. So, the date was really wishful thinking!

Though they could go out anytime after marriage and they have gone out many times in the past too.

But the dating period after the man proposes and before the marriage is called the golden period. It is said that time had its own thrill and she wanted to experience it! Even if it's for once only!