[Bonus chapter] Take You Away!


"Then you have to close your eyes and follow me wherever I take you!" Without thinking about it, he shook his head. There was no way he was going to take his eyes away from the girl.

"Evangeline! There is no way I am going to close my eyes or leave you alone! So you better do what you want in front of me! We are getting late for the fireworks too!" Though his voice was soft, it was resolute and she knew there was no chance to argue.

"Why? Do I not have this much right too? Leo, I am going to marry you but that does not mean I will not have my personal space!" she hollered as anger filled her eyes!

She was only doing it for him. But even if not! She did not allow him to control her.

She bit her lips and stared at the shop again and this time he was alert enough to follow her eyes.