Even if?

You would always be the best and we would always win! So do not lose your heart. Because i.. I will love and be with you no matter what!"

"Even if I am not rich anymore? Even if I am not the son of the duke who holds a lot of power!

What if you are the one who is noble and I would have been a commoner, would you have still loved me?" 

Letting go of her shoulders, he stared deep into her eyes as the words left his mouth.

The look in his eyes was so intense as if he was trying to peek into her soul but instead of nodding her head and hugging him again, her eyes turned gloomy!

Her expressions turned cold instantly, giving him the shock of his life!

"Leonardo Thawyne! Are you worrying so much because you think that I am with you for your money!?" and here she thought that something terrible had happened!

The man was just questioning the genuinity of her feelings! Such a jerk!