Ruin The Marriage.

"No! It would be too late, by then!" a frown formed on the face of Eli staring at the glare of her father.

She knew better than anyone that he was going berserk because he panicked. But she failed to understand why her father was panicking in the first place now that Evan is found.

He was not a man who cared so much about his social image. Though the ruined marriage would bring a lot of negative influence on them but since then he was more concerned about that than the condition of Evan.

"But father, brother are nowhere to be found and Evangeline is still unconscious." she reasoned but her father only stared at her with a stern look.

"Did you not hear the physician, she would come back to her consciousness, any moment. Bring me a glass of water!

And you!" he started at all the knights who trembled with fear, 

"Go and find Leo this instant!" They all saluted their master and ran from there in different directions to find him.