[Bonus chapter] My Apology

Adele looked at the man in front of her with confusion. There was no way she would accept that she had a secret that could bend the emperor.

If it would not have been for that boy, she would have died a long time ago. That was her bargaining chip. What would she get for sharing it with him and who knew what was in his mind.

What if he was just fooling her to see her cards and then threw her away like used clothes. No! Not in this life.

A look of bewilderment passed her eyes with that thought in her mind as her brows furrowed, 

"I do not understand what you are talking about, my lord! Your father, the emperor, had felt pity on me and he liked my soft heart. That was why he chose me as your consort.

Sister Eli is a bit cold and hardly talks to others. That was why she was not loved enough. I am sure she would.." she gulped the rest of her words when he stood up and came closer to her.