[Bonus chapter] Is He Greedy?

The whole court ended up in an uproar as the words left his mouth while the eyes of George narrowed at the man who had promised that he would not let them marry! Edward!

Forgetting that he was still acting as a benevolent brother, his eyes narrowed at Edward who trembled with fear and then tried to look for Olivia but surprisingly she had not attended the trial.

Now he did not have anyone to pass the blame on. But how did that happen? He was there that day, he had mixed himself in the crowd while hiding his face from the cloak.

He remembered that he had written a letter to Olivia asking if she wanted to marry Leo, if yes, kidnap the girl on her wedding day and she did.

Edward had seen knights searching for her. Leo had left the venue while looking for her. There was no way that they got married!

He shook his head vehemently. From that night he was with Evan all the time. So, he was sure they did not marry.