[Bonus chapter] Truth Came Out

"Your highness, you have called for me?" Theo could see that his master was worried ever since they returned.

Though the family is a bit stressed, they all are happy that the result was better than they had anticipated.

The duke was thinking of giving his post to Leo anyway. Then what made him so stressed?

"Have you heard what those men have said? It was not once but twice! What does that mean??'' Theo had to jog his memory to recall what his master was asking when he remembered three men in a black cloaks muttering something but then they left before clearing anything so he did not pay much heed to it.

"I apologize but if you are not able to understand then how can a humble person like me be able to grasp the meaning behind their words." He could see his master frowning further but he could not help and he did not understand why he was thinking so much about it.
