[Bonus chapter] Meet Him

"My lord, you have to hold a fork in that hand. For the spoon use the other hand." Andrew shook his head when he saw a frown forming on the face of Ethan who did not understand why he needed to follow so many formalities just for eating some boiled peas.

"That's not it! You have to change spoons when you change the dishes. That is!" 

"Clatter!" Ethan threw the fork as he picked up the plate and ate the whole dish with a spoon without caring how the woman was passing her stern glance and glaring at him in the end.

"I did not understand why eating had so many rules. I am not passing the academy exam with my eating habits!" he clarified as he picked up the spoon again and started eating the rest of his meal, making the woman dumbfounded.

"You! You! That is it. I quit. You are worse than the toddlers I have taught before." looking at Ethan as if she would murder him with his looks.