Is This The End?

Stunned by her sudden outburst, he froze as he saw tears forming in her eyes like a broken dam. This was the first time he had seen her crying.

She did not cry when she lost her mother, not when he was injured after coming back from war, not when their marriage broke but now.. Now she was crying like a little child who had lost the warmth of her mother.

He tried to go closer but she pushed him away again.

"I do not need you pity! I do not need your kind acts towards me.

Do you think you would be announced as a great man then! No! You will only be called a fool who did not know how to differentiate between a stone and a gem.

And do you think that I would accept that marriage out of pity! I may not have the blood of the Thawne family, but I still have their upbringing that made me a proud woman who does not need pity from a man to live her life.