[Bonus chapter] Was It An Attack

Hannah gritted her teeth as she stared at the letter in her hands.

"If you did not show any progress, I will teach you a lesson." The single line was enough for her to grit her teeth and smash her hands on the table.

"That fool! How did he dare to not follow my words? I will make sure that he will suffer a lot this time." She wanted to throw everything on the table but then she had to explain why she did so since she was playing a meek girl.

But then her eyes glinted. She stood up with an evil look on her face as she held the cloth of the table and pulled it.

All the dishes on the table fell and broke filling the room with shards. Then she casually walked towards the table and threw the vase on the ground. 

Then cushions, bedsheets, glasses, everything met the same end. Things that are remotely expensive were broken while she picked up and hid the more expensive things.