Protect Her Child

"You should not be standing out for long, my lady." said Reynold with a hint of worry in his voice as he stared at Evan who was still waving her hands when the carriage had already gone far.

"Reynold, I am not a lady now. You can call me Evangeline like others." she smiled at the young man. They could have been friends but she did not get the chance to talk to him again.

But that did not mean that she had forgotten about his kindness.

"You will always be a lady for me!" he said in a solemn voice as if he was taking an oath that brought a smile to her face.

"Alright, i will not impose you then." she bowed her head a bit just like a formal greeting while holding her belly from one hand. "Are you not coming in with me?" 

He was still standing like a statue on the door while she had opened the door.

The man looked surprised as if he was not expecting the answer when she raised a brow.