Only One Choice

Everyone stared at her with a red face but there was no sign of embarrassment on her face.

She raised a brow at the shocked hazel who was still staring at her with an agape mouth opened wide enough to swallow a large egg at once.

"Now, if you do not want me to drag you to the prison for lying and slandering the name of duke and sullying it, get your filthy feet out of our room." Her voice was full of authority that forced others to bow their heads instinctively. 

Hazel knew that if she would not leave the knights might drag her out to the prison. She gritted her teeth as she endured the insult.

Even when she was leaving, her head was held high. She could see the mocking and shocked faces of the maids who were whispering to each other while pointing at her and her eyes burnt with hatred.

She would take revenge for it. She promised she would.