A New Way She Taught Him

"But i have other ways to do it, you know." he raised a brow when he saw that sly look on her face that was filled with desire he felt.

"It is fine.. I did not want to force you.." he was about to take a step back when she held his arms and pulled him back, surprising him.

Evan had only been a passive one when they made love. Moaning his name in between, but there was something in her eyes that made his desire intensify.

The fire started to burn in his chest.

"Evangeline.." before he could ask what she was doing, her hands had already reached his pants.

It took her only a few seconds to get rid of the belt as it fell on the floor with a clink. She opened the buttons hurriedly as if she was the one who was desperate.

His eyes burnt looking at her face. Her eyes looked back into his eyes with a strong desire to touch him.

"You are going to use your hands?" He finally got it.